Welcome Back

Welcome to Session 2024/25

It is so lovely to be back in school with all our children.  A huge welcome to all our new P1s, Charlie, Aimee, Jennifer and Jamie.

We took the opportunity yesterday to take a whole school photograph.  It doesn’t happen often that we have 100% attendance across all classes – this made the start of the session even more special.


We know that some absences are unavoidable but we strongly request you support us with encouraging good attendance habits at school.  We will be continuing to monitor attendance every 6 weeks and we will be in touch with individual families to discuss the support available if attendance falls below 90%.


Please ensure you notify the school of any absence before 9:10am.  This can be done through the school app, by calling or emailing on eastpatricks.ps@eastayrshire.org.uk.

If you have planned holidays, please ensure the school has been informed too.


Thank You so much for your support with school uniform.  We had almost every child in school uniform yesterday.  The children look very smart and we could really feel the sense of belonging.  Please remember to get in touch if you need nay support with uniform – we have lots of preloved items looking for new homes.  Please ensure your child’s name is on uniform items.  

PE Kit – the timetable for PE will be shared with you tomorrow.  We ask that all pupils (unless on medical grounds) participate in PE.  It is statutory that pupils take part in at least 2 hours of physical education each week.  Indoor shoes and a change of shorts/leggings/joggers are required for PE.  Some of the older children also choose to bring a t-shirt too.  PE kit can be kept in school within a labelled gym bag or can be brought to school each day in school bags.  Please ensure your child’s name is on EVERYTHING.   Jewellery should not be worn to PE, this includes earrings.  If you wish your child to participate in PE and they are unable to take their earrings in and out themselves then you must provide your consent in writing, noting that you take full responsibility for any injuries resulting from the wearing of earrings.


A number of forms have been issued.  These are;

  • Annual data Check (P2-P7)
  • Local Area consent form (All Pupils)
  • Flu immunisation information (all pupils)
  • QR codes for photo permission & acceptable use policy (P2-P7)

Primary 1 pupils received these in the welcome packs and they should be returned to school ASAP.


We will shortly be issuing our new guidelines for homework and learning at home.   Homework will be issued via the class blog for P1, P2/3 & P3/4.  P5 – P7 homework will be shared on TEAMs.  We will let you know what you can expect when we send out further information next week.


We are busy coordinating all our dates for school events across the session and we will issue these to you when they all confirmed.  Dates will also be added to the calendar that is accessed from the school app.

OSCARs – remember that we have a form to fill in to let us know of nay achievements outside of school too.  It can be accessed via the school app or by clicking this link.  OSCARs

We love sharing our achievements from outside school in assembly so please be sure to let us know.


We look forward to working with you over the coming session and can’t wait to invite you in to school to share our learning with you.

Have a super weekend,

Mrs Bradley and all the staff



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