Round Up

It’s hard to believe we are at the end of the school session 2023/24!

It has been a jam packed term and we have loved every minute of it.  We have so much to be grateful for.

Unfortunately the weather put a dampener on sports day again this year.  You’ll be pleased to know that we have agreed to schedule the date for May next year.  This will give us more scope to reschedule before the very busy term of June.


We held our prize giving service on Monday.  We are so proud of each and every one of our children.  Prizegiving is our way of recognising those who have gone above and beyond throughout the year.

Effective Contributor Awards – Annlouise Hoskins, Ethan Morrison, Kallen Johnston, Kioni Keller, Amber Samson, Kai Johnston

Confident Individual Awards – Greig Sheehan, Kasey Reid, Marlene Gollok-Foggo, Aanya-Lillie Elliot, Ayva Scott, Mason McCreadie

Successful Learner Awards – Etta Dumigan, Aroosha Ahmed, Kaleb Johnstone, Ella Nimmo, Alexander Brodie, Sana Mustafa

Responsible Citizen Awards – Lewis Samson, Keane Woods, Max McFadzean, Emily Dick, Luke Samson, Caleb Dunsmuir

School Value Awards 

Harmony – Eva Stewart, Kioni Keller

Equity – Niamh Burley

Ambition – Jessica Brodie, Aanya-Lillie Elliot, Sofia Ahmed, Janey Grainger, Ella Anderson, Codi Wallace

Respect – Nathan Nicol, Jacob Chidwick, Kasey Reid

Faith – Alyssa Nimmo, Lucy McGill, Ada Dumigan, Lewis Savage, Janey Grainger, Ezra Dumigan

Sports Championship

Winners – Grace Dick, Brooklyn Bradley

2nd – Alyssa  Nimmo, Kai Johnston

3rd – Grace Dick, Mason McCreadie

Helping Hands Award

Ada Dumigan

Leavers’ Service 

Our P7s shared their primary school journey with us.  There wasn’t a dry eye in the house!  We are so proud of everything they have achieved and are in awe of how insightful they are about the characteristics they have developed.  We know we will continue to hear great things about them all.  Huge thanks to each P7 for confidently telling us what they are taking from St. Patrick’s as they move on! They are indeed God’s Work of Art!  Thanks to all staff that made the event possible and to our fabulous parent council for the gift.

Go to this Sway

Whole School Outing

It‘s the simple things that are often the most fun! Our children loved being outdoors and in the company of each other at Dumfries House Estate.  They had a lovey time enjoying the natural world and exploring the grounds.  Huge thanks to all the staff and the parent helpers for making sure it was a great day.


Celebration Mass

Our Mass of Thanksgiving at the end of term is always a special event to mark the achievements of everyone throughout the session.  We are thankful for every individual that makes our school community what it is! Special thanks to Fr Philip and the parishioners of St John’s Cumnock.  We even managed to finish it off with some playing on the grass.

On Friday there will only be soup and sandwiches available for lunch.  We will end the school year with what has become our annual water games on the grass.  Staying dry is simple – stay off the grass.  The water games will begin at 12.45pm.  When the bells ring at 1pm children must line up with their teacher to be dismissed.

We are sad to say farewell to our much loved staff; Miss Thorpe, Miss Graham, Mrs Bohan, Miss Torbett, Mr Sullivan and Mrs Wright.  And of course, to our P7s – we wish them every best wish and success for the future.  We will miss them very much.


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