It is hard to believe that we have only 4 weeks of the school session left.

June is always a very busy month.  Please see the information at the bottom of this post outlining what is on in School.


Many congratulations to Enzo, Janey, and Max who all received the Sacrament of First Holy Communion at the weekend.  This is such an important event in their faith journey.  Please keep them in your prayers.


Parent Questionnaires 

Thank you to all of you who took the time to complete the questionnaires at our Pupil Progress Meeting evening.

Please see attached the information gathered from this.  We will use this information to plan for improvements.

Parent Feedback May 24


Please ensure you contact the school office if your child is absent.  You can do this by submitting an absence report on the school app,  by emailing ( or by calling the school. If there is no answer please leave a recorded message.

Attendance in St. Patrick’s Primary remains inline with national averages but for some families attendance continues to be a barrier to learning.  Absence has a direct impact on learning and can lead to poor attendance in later school years.   We know that non attendance at school can happen for lots of different reasons and we want to work with families to support good attendance.

Please help us promote attendance at school during the month of June.



Wednesday 5th June – Sports Day

Activities start at 10am.  Parents, friends and family welcome along.

Raffle tickets available on ParentPay £1 per strip

Wednesday 5th June – RBA information session 

Information event for parents/carers of P7 pupils moving to Robert Burns Academy.  6.30pm – 8pm

Wednesday 5th June – New P1 Parent Information Session

St. Patrick’s PS, 6pm

Friday 7th June – Kilmarnock Community Sports Trust 

Sport clothes can be worn, outdoor trainers can be brought to school.  Each class will have a timetabled slot to take part in interactive football related activities.  Football tops can be worn on the understanding that our school value of RESPECT is shown at all times.

Friday 7th June – Percussion Students to Loudoun Academy 

Pupils attending percussion tuition are invited to attend an all day workshop in Loudoun Academy.   This begins at 9am and ends at 3pm.  Pupils require snacks and packed lunch .  Parents/Carers should transport their own child.

Monday 10th June -EuroQuiz Final 

P6 pupils will travel by train to Edinburgh.  Packed lunches required.  If your child needs one from the school kitchen please let us know in advance.  Full school uniform and comfortable footwear required.

Tuesday 11th June & Wednesday 12th June 

Transition days for pupils going to Robert Burns Academy.  Pupils should meet at 9am at the transport hub and be collected at 2.30pm from the transport hub.

Thursday 13th June 

P7 transition Day 4 for St. Joseph’s Academy

Thursday 13th June 

ECC/P1 transition Event – Teddy Bears’ Picnic.

All P1s and our new P1s can bring a teddy and a snack for our picnic. 10am – 11.30am

Thursday 13th June

Parent Council meeting 6pm, Chapel Hall, Sorn Road.  All welcome

Friday 14th June 

P7 transition Day 5 for St Joseph’s Academy.

Wednesday 19th June 

Leavers’ Service 9.30am

Parents/Carers of our P7 pupils are invited.  For catering purposes please let us know how many are coming by filling in this form.

Wednesday 19th June – Leavers Celebration 

P7 pupils and their families are invited to attend a pizza, outdoor games and campfire. 6pm – 8pm.  Please RSVP using the QR code on the invitation or by using this link. Click Here

Suggested donation of £5 per family on ParentPay

Monday 24th June – Prizegiving

Staff and Pupils only

Tuesday 25th June – Whole School Outing 

The whole School will Dumfries House Estate.  If you are interested in being a parent helper on this day please let us know by completing the form below.  Packed lunches required.  Can be ordered from school if needed.

Pupils will need a packed lunch.  £3 per pupil or maximum £5 per family on ParentPay.

School uniform on the top.

Wednesday 26th June – Whole School Mass

St. John’s Church Cumnock.  10am, all welcome

Friday 28th June – School closes 1pm

 Annual Water Games

At 12.45pm there is an optional water game on the grass.  Any child (or staff member) who wants to take part can bring their EMPTY water pistol to school. No water balloons please.  This is completely optional – if you want to stay dry – keep off the grass! There will be no changing facilities available so a towel to dry off will be essential.  If your child travels on school transport they must bring a towel and a plastic covering  to sit on on the bus, e.g a tarpaulin, black bin bag.

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