SNAPSHOT Week – Assembly

Assembly Key Learning

The Month of May – the importance of Mary

Wellbeing Indicator – NURTURED

As we begin the month of May and our focus in RE turns to Mary, the mother of Jesus, we remind ourselves of the love and care provided to us through Mary and her son Jesus.

In 2021, Pope Francis called Mary “the first disciple of Jesus” and reminded us that “Mary is there, praying for us, praying for those who do not pray. Why? Because she is our mother.

In Assembly we come together as a whole school but also in our house groups and smaller groups – our ‘home teams’.

We have regular ‘home team natters’ where we discuss different topics.   This term we are focussing on the SHANARRI indicators.   More information can be found here.

This week’s indicator focused on Nurture – this was very fitting as we celebrate the Month of May.

Celebrating Success

Assembly is also where we celebrate achievements across the school.  We had 34 bronze awards this week, over 20 golden book nominations, 6 community certificates and certificates for our Euroquiz finalists.

A huge well done!

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