First Post of the Session

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Friday 26th August 2022

Starting off this blog with a huge well done to all our amazing children, staff and families for a successful first full week.   We know there will be  a lot of tired wee people out there tonight. (And that’s just the staff!)

Last week 17 fabulous P1 pupils joined our St. Patrick’s Family.   We are delighted to have them in our school.  They have settled so well and are building many positive relationships with everyone across our school.  P6 buddies are doing a  great of supporting them.

We have also been joined by Mrs McCabe in P2/3.  On Thursday 1st September, our new classroom assistant, Miss Graham, will join us too.

We celebrated our first week back with a theatre production of The Jungle Book this afternoon.  We all loved it and the theatre company commended our amazing pupils for being a great audience.  We are so proud of every single one of them!

Breakfast Club

Our Breakfast club has restarted.  It is so good to see our children enjoying the company of each other over breakfast and during the social time available.  There are still some spaces left.  Breakfast club runs from 8.15am – 8.45am.  It costs £1 per pupil, those entitled to means tested free school meals do not pay.  This cost covers the food options; cereal, toast, yogurt/fruit and milk/water.   All staff costs are met by the school through Pupil Equity Funding.   If you would like your child to attend, all or some, of the time please contact Mrs Reid in the office.

Items from home

Please note that children should not bring in toys from home.  We find that these can get lost or broken which causes a lot of unnecessary upset.  Pupils do not require lots of stationery, we have everything in school that pupils need for learning.    When there is a requirement for support from home, class teachers will send out communication for this.  Thank You.

PE Days

Communication about PE days for each class was sent out via the school app earlier in the week.  Please get in touch if you require PE kit for your child.    We expect that all pupils join PE – it is part of our curriculum and is essential in ensuring healthy development.   No jewellery can be worn for PE and we ask that earrings are taking out prior to coming to school.   We want all of our children to experience the benefits of a healthy and active lifestyle.


All pupils will have access to free fruit for snack times beginning from Monday 29th August.  Please support us by talking to your child about this and encouraging them to try different fruits.

P7 Transition

Our Transition programme with St. Joseph’s Academy is very full this year.  We are delighted that events will take place throughout the year.  P7 parents already attended an information session at St. Joseph’s this week and next week we will be joined by Miss Cathie, here in St. Patrick’s, to talk to our P7s.   Visits to St. Joseph’s will begin on September 8th.   P7 pupils also have the opportunity to attend a residential experience at Lockerbie Manor with our friends from some of the other primary schools in the St.  Joseph’s Education Group.   We are delighted that so many are intending on going – we know that in the current climate, financing this experience may be a barrier.  Please contact us if the only barrier to attending is financial.  We know there are lots of reasons as to why some children do not want to attend but we are here to support you if we can.

School Uniform

We have had 100% of pupils in school uniform since we returned.  This is great.  Please remember that we do have preloved uniform items should you need them as the year goes on.    We discourage leggings as part of school uniform, although they can be brought in as a change for PE.   Please ensure ALL items are labelled.  Already our lost property is mounting up.  We have some age 5-6 and 7-8 sweatshirts that have not been claimed.  If your child’s name is on it, we can return quickly.

Data Checks and EV5 forms

Please return all forms as soon as possible.   Thank you to all of you that have returned these already.    It is so important that we hold up to date information for you child.

Absence and Late Coming

In line with safeguarding measures, all absences and late coming are recorded.  Please ensure you contact the school office to report a child’s absence.   Family holidays and appointments should be given in writing, in advance.   Please report unplanned absences by 9.10am.  You can call before this and leave a message on the answer machine.

School Playground

If you are coming to collect your child from the school playground, we ask that you do not come earlier than 2.50pm.  Our classes use the outdoor spaces for learning activities throughout the school day.  If you are earlier than this we ask that you wait out side the main gate or wait in the space before the upper school playground.

When collecting children, please discourage them from walking along the wall to the main entrance, from climbing the fences and swinging on the handrail.  Thank You.

Golden Book 

Assemblies resumed on Wednesday and we had our first Golden Book Nominees of the session.  Well done to;

All of P1 for settling in so beautifully, Nicholas, Aylsa, Elliot, Aanya-Lillie, April, Rhian, Mason, Kendall K, Aqeel, Reilley, Ada and Mya!


August Birthday Shout Outs!

Happy Birthday to all those that had a birthday this Month.

Tristan, Kendall K, Caleb, Jacob, Lewis, Derri, Amber, Nicholas, Leo


We hope you all have a fantastic weekend and we look forward to seeing everyone again on Monday.   Look out next week for information about our loose parts play plans for the playground and some dates for your diary for the coming term.

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