It is hard to believe that we have come to the end of another school session. Thankfully, this one has not included whole school closures, however, we know so many of you continue to be affected by Covid 19. We wish all of you who are still experiencing the effects, strength and courage to overcome any difficulties the pandemic has caused.
It is difficult to avoid the news of the current cost of living increases too. We know so many of our families are affected by this. Please be assured that we will continue to do everything we possibly can to minimise costs associated with the school day. Our breakfast club will start again on Monday 22nd August. There is no cost for pupils in receipt of free school meals.
As is always the case at this time of year, we have goodbyes to say. Miss Walley, Miss Walker and Mr Myers will be finishing with us today. Miss Dean and Mrs Hay finished a little earlier this session. We have also been supported this session by Mrs Gilhooley, Mrs Cunningham, Miss Smith, Mrs Millar and of course, Miss Rooney. We are so grateful for the part all of them have played in making St. Patrick’s the amazing school community it is! They will be sadly missed and will always be welcome in our school – they are very much part of the St. Patrick’s family.
Our children continue to amaze us every single day. We are so proud of each and every one of them and it is such a privilege to be part of their development. As we begin our summer holidays we pay special attention to the journey of our P7 pupils. They have been such an amazing P7 year group. We can not wait to hear all about the fantastic things they will continue to achieve as they move on to S1 and beyond.
There are so many people to thank for their continued professionalism and commitment in supporting our children. Without the support of Mrs Reid, Mrs Goudie and Mrs Fleming the school would just not operate as smoothly as it does. THANK YOU! Thank you so much for continuing to go way above and beyond!
To Shirley, Amanda, Pauline and Marlene in our school kitchen – THANK YOU! We have the best lunches in East Ayrshire!
To Miss Thomson, Nicola Pennycook, Mr Sullivan, Mrs Wright, Mr Devlin and all those that support us from wider EA services – THANK YOU!
To Fr Phillip, THANK YOU for continued spiritual guidance and support.
To our amazing bus/taxi drivers, THANK YOU for looking after our children and being such an important part of their school day.
To all our amazing teachers – THANK YOU! Thank you for everything you do!
And of course, THANK YOU to you! Thank you for your continued support.
School Re-opens on Thursday 18th August at 9am for pupils. New P1 pupils start at 10am. We ask that all pupils continue wearing school uniform – grey/black skirt, trousers, skirts or pinafores with our gold polo shirts and bottle green sweatshirts, tartan skirts and pinafores are also allowed. We ask that leggings are not worn as part of school uniform. Remember that applications are now open for school clothing grants. Pupils should also bring a PE kit to school – this can be kept in school or carried back and forward in school bags.
On behalf of our whole school family I wish you and your children the most amazing summer together and look forward to seeing you all in August 2022! P7 – we will all be thinking of you as you start the next chapter!
Mrs Bradley