Welcome to another update of some of the learning and events happening in school.
Today we were joined by Siobhan Wright, Community Engagement Officer, SCIAF. Siobhan joined assembly to tell out us how the money we raised during Lent 2022 would be used to help Malawian Farmers. Siobhan could tell us that over the last 5 years our school has raised a massive £8000 to support the work of SCIAF. Thank you so much.
New Resources
We are continually looking at ways to improve and enhance the learning experiences of our children. We recently took receipt of Sphero Bolts. A Sphero is a robotic ball that allows children to develop their coding and programming skills. P4 – P7s have had great fun ‘tinkering’ with the spheros and the coding programmes to discover the potential of these. We look forward to using these to develop progressive learning in coding and computing science.
Tennis & Football
P4/5, P5/6 and P6/7 have started a block of learning in tennis in partnership with Coylton Tennis Club. This will continue weekly until the 7th June.
Coaches from KCST will work with P4/5 pupils for four weeks starting Friday 20th. They will also provide some coaching for boys P4-P7 selected to represent St. Patrick’s in a football festival.
PE Kit
There continues to be a number of children who are not bringing PE kit to school and are missing out. All children are legally entitled to take part in 2 hours of physical education per week. Please ensure your child has PE kit with them. This can be shorts or longer length leggings and a change of t-shirt (Leggings should be brought to school in school bags – they are not part of school uniform).
The PE days for each class are listed below;
P1 – Monday and Wednesday
P2 – Monday and Thursday
P3 – Wednesday and Friday
P4/5 – Tuesday and Friday
P5/6 – Tuesday and Thursday
P6/7 – Tuesday and Thursday
STEM Leaders Awards
Well done to P4/5 who, this week received certificates for their entries into a nationwide competition. All pupils were awarded certificates, a special shout out goes to Katie, Noah, Juliette, Mya, Jacob and Kendall for receiving a Merit award and to Roza and Eva who were awarded a Distinction. Well done to all of you and Mrs Dumigan.
Walk to School Week
Next week is walk to school week. Remember that we are encouraging children, where possible, to walk to school, or park a bit further away and walk the rest.
Mellow Monday – wearing comfy clothes (please wear a school sweatshirt)
Trainer Tuesday
Wild Hair Wednesday
Thrilling Thursday – an item of silly clothing or accessories
Funky Friday – wearing cool/bright clothing
Alternatively, you can choose to do one of these or combine the themes.
Monday – Team Up – Walk to school with a friend(s)
Tuesday – Defeat Danger – Wear hi-vis to school
Wednesday – Boost Health – Take a longer route to school (with parent / carer permission)
Thursday – Save The Planet – Pick up some rubbish on the way to school (gloves to be provided)
Friday – Lead The Way – Combine all 4 of the previous days themes
Sports Day
This event has been changed to Tuesday 14th June 2022.
Road Safety
Thank you so much to all of you that found alternative stopping places when collecting children at 3pm – it is very much appreciated. We have had meetings with representatives from health and safety this week and moving forward we will be discussing opportunities for safer routes with Ayrshire Road Alliance.
Please ensure that anyone picking up your child, including childminders, is aware that there is no access to our school carpark. Thank you.
SWEIC Consultation
Four of our Primary 7 pupils will this week get the chance to share their views and opinions about Scottish Education and help influence the future of Education in the South West of Scotland. This is a great opportunity for our children to speak up and be counted!
Wider Achievements
A huge shout out to Tyla, P7. Tyla recently had her long hair cut into a very glamourous bob and donated her hair to the Little Princess Trust! Amazing!
Well done to Archie, P7! Archie was selected to represent East Ayrshire in a district football tournament. East Ayrshire came an amazing 2nd place, just beaten by Glasgow City. Well done!
Finlay, P7 has been selected to be a mascot at the Auchinleck Talbot Cup final game on 4th June! We know that he will bring lots of luck to the team!
We were delighted to welcome some of our new P1s for August 2022 this week. Thank you to everyone that made their visit such a success. P5s will be buddies to our new P1s and will get to meet them over the coming weeks as we welcome more new pupils and then have them visit altogether.
Parents/Carers of P7 pupils should all have received letters from their secondary school outlining the dates for further visits. Pupils going to St. Joseph’s Academy will visit on 7th and 8th of June. Staff from St. Joseph’s will visit our school on 25th May. Pupils going to Robert Burns Academy will visit on the 21st and 22nd June.
Please keep our P4 children who are receiving the sacrament of First Holy Communion in your prayers. This will be celebrated in Our Lady of Lourdes and St Patrick’s Parish tomorrow and in St. John’s next Saturday.
Thank you for your continued support. Have a great weekend!
From all the staff.