Welcome to this week’s update, although it is really an update from the month of February. Apologies that we didn’t get our blog out weekly! When our children are working so hard and learning so much it keeps us extremely busy!
This week eight of our children received the Sacrament of Confirmation. We are so proud of them all. Thank you so much to all our parents and carers, Fr Philip and Mrs Dumigan who supported the children in preparing for this. I know you will join us in keeping these children in your prayers.
Bishop Nolan administered the sacrament on Tuesday and as you will know, he leaves Galloway Diocese next week to fulfil the role of Archbishop of Glasgow. Bishop Nolan has been a great support to the catholic schools in our Diocese and is a true advocate of social justice and the message of love, hope and compassion. We wish him all the very best in his new role.
Our P5/6 learners have completed a programme of learning with our East Ayrshire Health and Wellbeing Team. They have completed training on becoming Health and Wellbeing Champions and we look forward to planning how we will use their new knowledge and skills to support learning across the school.
We are currently undergoing some refurbishment in the school. Our classrooms are part of an ongoing programme that will modernise them and create better learning environments. Our P6/7 class already had new flooring laid as part of this and at the Easter break there will be further improvements in this space. From the week beginning the 7th March, P4/5 will temporarily relocate to the digital learning room. Their classroom will be fitted with new blinds, flooring, sink unit, white boards and have a complete repaint. There will be new furniture in this room too. We can’t wait to show it to off to you.
From Monday 28th February we are able to hold school assemblies again. The first whole school event will be our Ash Wednesday Service. This will be the first time that our P1 and P2 pupils have ever experienced this. Please be aware that assemblies are still subject to some mitigations. There will be increased ventilation, classes will still sit within their own space and staff will maintain a 2m distance from each other and pupils. If there are any new covid cases in a class and a pupil was in attendance during the infectious period, this class will not be able to attend the assembly. This has been one of the most missed experiences within school communities, to be able to come together as one to celebrate the start of Lent is something we will cherish.
Please notify the school if you DO NOT wish your child to receive ashes at our service.
Our Pupil Leadership Team have devised a programme of fundraising events for SCIAF during lent. These were sent via the app. Further details will follow and donations can be made from next week.
Please click here to watch the reflection for Malawi
Please remember to return all RagBags to school on Monday.
As we come to the end of this week, the thoughts and prayers of our whole school community are shared with the people of Ukraine. We pray for a world that can heal from the terrible events that are happening right now in Ukraine and other regions of the world experiencing war and that together we can build a world that finds peaceful solutions rather than conflict.
Have a fantastic weekend and we look forward to seeing all our children again on Monday.