Friday 21st January 2022
This week has seen all classes continue their learning about Scots language. Hopefully some of our learners have been sharing poems and songs with you at home as we gear up for our poetry and singing competition.
You will all have noticed the increase in warn and inform letters that have been issued this week. We have seen a significant number of positive covid cases among pupils. We have issued a FAQs sheet that will hopefully help clarify the guidance. This was posted on the school app yesterday.
We cannot stress enough how important it is to keep your child at home if they are displaying any symptoms. If your child does show symptoms please book a PCR test. These can be booked at local drive through sites, walk through sites and through a home testing kit. An appointment must be booked. It is not possible to visit a test centre without one. A LFD test is not suitable for people who have symptoms. Symptoms can seem mild but we urge everyone to be vigilant.
PCR tests can be booked by following this link
We are grateful to all those who are supporting us by following the guidance with LFD testing. These should be used if someone your child lives with has a positive test (either LFT or PCR). Your child can continue coming to school as long as they take a LFD test each day for 7 days and upload the negative results. The results are uploaded to here.
Last week I told you that we had carried out interviews for a temporary class teacher. I am delighted to confirm that Miss Rebecca Walker has been appointed. This will commence when the pre employment checks have finished. Miss Walker has previously worked in the school and I know that the children and staff are excited about having Miss Walker with us until June.
This week’s assembly linked to our Laudato Si’ journey. Ask your children about the Global Goals.
P7 pupils were joined by Mr Dempster from Robert Burns Academy (virtually) earlier this week and if your child is going to Robert Burns Academy you should have received a letter outlining some of the transition programme.
Miss Cathie from St. Joseph’s Academy has also been in touch with us to organise transitions. As soon as we have information for parents we will get this out to you.
Some of you will have received an email inviting you to a Transition Meeting. These are for pupils who receive additional support or for who there is essential information to pass onto the secondary school. If your child has a child’s plan that was shared with you in September they will be included in this. If you think your child requires this and you have not received an email please contact the school.
Well done to all those in our Golden Book this week.
Phoebe, James, Oliver, Ford, Janey, Logan, Autumn, Eva, Juliette, Ada, Noah P, Archie N, Hope, Lilla, Jack, Eternity, Jessica, Kai, Myia and Sofia
Bronze Awards
Jack, Lilla, Sofia, Logan, Jessica, Myia,
Ford and Phoebe
Have a great weekend, especially if you are supporting a certain local football team.
Take Care,
From All in St. Patrick’s Team
We will leave you with a gallery of some of the learning from the last two weeks.