stay & play ~ Yellow group


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The children of the Yellow group enjoyed some messy play with their parents & carers, have a look at some of our photo’s 🙂

We had lots of fun, exploring the shaving foam and  joining in with some physical games!

Thank you to all parents/Carers who came along to join us 🙂 Related image


Ayrshire Athletics Arena ~ Week 2

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We had a fantastic time at the Ayrshire Athletics Arena this afternoon!

We took part in a variety of different sports games to further develop our  hand / eye co-ordination as well as our running, jumping & throwing skills!

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Look at what a great time we had 🙂

We are looking forward to seeing what’s in store for us next week!

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Nursery Rhyme of the Month

Click this link for Jack and jill makaton

Our Nursery Rhyme of the month is Jack and Jill. Please feel free to take a copy of the rhyme from the wall in the main corridor and sing this at home with your child. Singing and reading to your child regularly raises their phonological awareness which impacts your child’s ability to read and write throughout School life.  On the wall in the corridor you can also listen to the song on the disk and find the corresponding Makaton signs.