Expressive Arts Learning Grid 26.05.20 – Music

Hello everybody,

Music Learning Grid

By now you will all know the news that teachers and schools are going to begin to get ready for pupils returning in August. I know that this still seems like a long time to wait but I think it will fly by! I am really excited about going back to Fenwick and I am looking forward to seeing you all when that eventually happens.


Thanks to those of you who have been able to share some of your activities. You are doing very well with them! Here is this week’s grid. The focus is music again. 🎷🎺🎸🎻🎼🎹🥁


I really hope that you are all having fun during this unusual time and looking on the bright side if you can.  Remember though, it’s also normal to feel out-of-sorts or sad sometimes, when you haven’t seen friends or family members you are close to for ages. If you are feeling like this tell somebody you trust. Remember that worries are always easier to cope with when they are shared.


Enjoy your week, everybody. I look forward to hearing from you (via the blog or GLOW) and seeing what you have been doing. Stay safe, look after each other and keep smiling.


Miss Dasgupta

(Class Teacher)