Expressive Arts Grid 11.05.20 Miss Dasgupta

Good morning, boys and girls!


I hope that you have had a pleasant week and been enjoying the lovely weather. Sunshine always makes me feel more cheerful and I have been making the most if it, going for lots of walks and getting out in the garden when I can. This week I waged a “war on weeds” which I thought was very fitting for VE day on Friday.


I enjoyed meeting (virtually) the other Fenwick staff for afternoon tea this Friday on VE Day. Some people had really dressed up and looked very glamorous!  Mrs Ross had kindly organised a quiz for us which was all about WWII, so I learned lots too. I made scones for the occasion using a wartime recipe. They were actually delicious!

This week’s new learning grid can also be found here. The focus this week is drama. I hope you enjoy trying out some of these activities. If you are able to post any pictures or comments from trying them out, I’d love to see them.

Learning Grid 11.5.20

Enjoy your week and I look forward to hearing from you (via the blog). Stay safe!


Miss Dasgupta

(Class Teacher)