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Weekly Roundup

All pupils have made a great start to their first term in P5/6.

The pupils have been exploring place value in numeracy this week and have been working on reading, writing and ordering numbers up to 1 million. The pupils also collated data using tallies about pupils’ favourite chocolate bars and created a bar graph to show their findings.

In literacy, the pupils have started using the Active Literacy reading strategies to explore their new novel ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ by Roald Dhal. So far they have used their prior knowledge to predict the front cover of their new book and have used their skimming and scanning skills to answer literal questions about the text.

As part of our new ‘Chocolate’ topic the pupils enjoyed investigating the history of chocolate. The pupils explored how cocoa beans were used by Mayan and Aztec tribes and were able to discuss how the Maya and Aztec beliefs and attitudes towards the cocoa bean compare with our modern view of chocolate.