Big Talks

Big talks will commence this week coming. Please ensure all pupils are prepared and can present their talk on the allocated days:

Monday: Hannah; Bella; Ellie

Tuesday: Steven; Lennox; Daryl H; Noah; Sophie; Bette; Craig

Wednesday: Eilidh; Lucy; Jalyn; Caleb

Thursday: Cole; Harry; Mikey; Eli; Jessica; Olly; Ayden; Darryl B

Weekly Roundup

Another busy week for P5/6!


This week, the P5/6 pupils read a non-fiction text to explore how fossils are made. The pupils then created a short movie to explain this process for the rest of the class to watch.


The pupils were also learning to solve division problems with remainders this week. The pupils were able to use Numicon to physically see what happens when we need to exchange and carry in division.

Across the Curriculum

The pupils were exploring balancing and counter balancing in gymnastics. They were also able to explore various jumps using the spring board. Additionally, the pupils explored what life was like for early humans living in the Mesolithic period of the Stone Age.

Finally, the P5/6 pupils enjoyed their second community walk this term. This week they enjoyed visiting the Black Horse where they skimmed stones and investigated the wildlife living there.

Big Talk Homework

Class Talk

Title:  If I Could Rule the World

You have been given a project to prepare and present a short 5-minute talk, linked to our literacy focus this term of using persuasive language.

If you were to rule the world, what changes would you make?

Use the OREO method to help you create your presentation.


The presentation should be as detailed as possible and could include:

  • A title slide
  • Some information about you and why you would make a good world leader
  • What changes would you make?
  • Give examples to support your ideas
  • Do you have any evidence to back up your suggestions?
  • Persuasive vocabulary –
          • I’m sure you would agree
          • I strongly believe
          • It is obvious that
          • It is my opinion that
          • It is easy to see why
  • A conclusion slide that summarises your key points and offers an opportunity for others to ask questions

You can use the internet or books to find out facts to back up your ideas. You could also use other ideas to enhance your talk e.g. PowerPoint (saved pen drive), drawings, diagrams or items from home.

You can make your changes as serious or as fun as you like.

For example:

If I were to rule the world I would make sure that everyone had a safe space and house to live in, as according to Shelter Scotland a household becomes homeless in Scotland every 16 minutes. I’m sure you would agree that this is unacceptable figure and everyone has the right to somewhere safe to sleep at night. Therefore, I would build more houses and have more clothes, food and resources available to people.

It is my opinion that I would make a good world leader because I would make every weekend a long weekend. Fridays would no longer be a school day. It is easy to see why this would be a fantastic change because people would be happier as they would have more time to spend with their friends and family. They would also have more time to go and explore different places and spend more time outdoors. This is good for your health and wellbeing and can improve sleep.

You should practise your talk at home as often as possible and use a timer to help. You may want to use notes or prompt cards to help you stay on track.

Talks should be ready to be present the week beginning Monday 20th May.

Here is a link you can use to find some useful information that may support your presentation:

Pupils have had time in class to do some research for this topic. However, pupils should complete this homework task at home.

Weekly Roundup

P5/6 pupils will be participating in community walks every Wednesday afternoon as part of our P.E and Outdoor Learning sessions for this term.

Please enjoy some photos from our first visit to our local park!