Weekly Roundup

A short but exciting week for P5/6!

Our P5 pupils participated in their first swimming lesson this week and had a blast! All pupils represented Catrine Primary School beautifully, even when using public transport!

The pupils have also been learning to convert units of length using their knowledge of multiplication.

Additionally, the pupils have enjoyed creating animal masks in the style of Tingatinga as part of their Africa topic.

I would like to thank all pupils who have returned their homework to me this week.

Please can all remaining pupils hand their homework in for Monday.


Weekly Roundup

Amazing Africa

The pupils will be exploring Africa for their new topic this term.

The pupils firstly explored African music. All pupils were able to close their eyes and listen to African style music. They then used visualisation to create a picture of what they could imagine in their mind whilst listening to the music.

The pupils then explored different African instruments and created Power Point presentations to inform other pupils about each instruments’ origins and how they are played to produce music.

The pupils also used their mapping skills to explore the location of South Africa and its 9 provinces.

Numeracy Homework

P5/6 have been issued a numeracy homework jotter to allow them to practise their times tables at home.

All jotters will come with a copy of a times table grid as well as a task map with different strategies to learn their times tables.

This homework can be done whenever your family have a spare 10 or 15 minutes and aims to be fun for each pupil.

When a pupil is confident with a times table, an adult should tick the sheet at the back of the jotter to identify which times tables still require focus at home.

We will be focusing on times tables until the end of the school year with a hopes that all pupils will be more confident when solving problems involving multiplication.

I will collect jotters in every 2 weeks to monitor each pupils’ progress.

Weekly Roundup


This week in Literacy we have been doing spelling  using diacritical marking and syllabification with our new  ‘m’ words. We have also have been learning about adverbs. We have also been learning to describe a character using similes and metaphors, alliteration, descriptive sentences and adverbs.


In Numeracy this week we have been playing roll the dice to make multiplication calculations and solving them using the expanded formal method . We also learned how to create equivalent lengths using m and cm.  We also did a bit of the grid method.

Across the curriculum

We have been learning about pop art. We chose a piece of pop culture to create a pop art portrait. We have also been learning about the dangers of alcohol abuse and we made leaflets telling people about alcohol and safety when drinking.


By Hannah and Daryl