Weekly Roundup


The P5/6 pupils began writing their narrative stories. The pupils developed the setting within their narrative and explored how the use of alliteration, adjectives, similes and metaphors can enhance their setting descriptions.


The pupils have been making connections in numeracy. The pupils were able to use their knowledge of times tables to multiply numbers by multiples of 10 and 100. The pupils also explored the grid method which can be used to solve multiplication problems.

Across the Curriculum

The pupils used their knowledge of ‘Pop Art’ to  create a portrait of their famous Scot in the style of Andy Warhol.

Weekly Roundup


The pupils are continuing to explore their new class novel ‘The Butterfly Lion’ using the Active Literacy comprehension strategies. The pupils also investigated the structure of a narrative story and used this knowledge to set out their own.


The pupils finished subtraction this week and can now solve subtraction problems with exchanging using the formal method. The pupils also explored measuring in millimetres.

Across the Curriculum 

The pupils are continuing to develop their skills in badminton this week. They have been focusing on their stance and movement during rallies.

The pupils also investigated Scottish innovations this week and were able to place them on a timeline.

Take a look at our fantastic ‘Famous Scots in History’ display!


Scots Verse Competition

All pupils have been given a Scots poem to learn for the Scots Verse Celebration.

P5 pupils will be learning ‘Social Dancin’ by Anne Kelly.

P6 pupils will be learning ‘Up in the Morning Early’ by Robert Burns.

Pupils should practise their poems at home and should be ready to perform their poem by Wednesday 24th January. Pupils are able to use hand gestures and props for their poem.

5 pupils from each stage will be selected to perform in front of the judges and the winner will perform at our Scots Verse Celebration.

Weekly Roundup

Our P5/6 pupils have had a great start to term 3!


The pupils have been exploring narrative genres in literacy this week. They were able to identify different styles that can be used when creating narrative texts and were able to pick a genre to use within their own writing. I look forward to seeing the writing the pupils produce in the next coming weeks!


The pupils in P5/6 have also been learning to measure length. The pupils initially estimated the length of various objects within the classroom and used rulers and measuring tapes to compare the accuracy of their answers.

Across the Curriculum 

As part of our Scotland topic, the pupils have been researching famous Scots in history. The pupils were able to create detailed biographies about their chosen Scot. The pupils then presented how their famous Scot shaped our society to the class using a PowerPoint presentation.

The pupils have also explored the blotted line technique used by Andy Warhol to create beautiful watercolour pictures.