BIG Talk Homework

P5/6 Big Talk Homework

Title: My Dream Trip 

You have been given a project to prepare and present a short 5-minute talk about where you would go on your dream trip.  The presentation should be as detailed as possible.  Some ideas might include:

Before going on your trip:

  • How will you travel to your destination?
  • Who will you take with you?
  • Where will you stay? Will you need to bring any equipment with you? E.g. If you are camping?
  • What kind of spending money will you need to take?
  • What will you need to pack in your suitcase?
  • What is the national anthem for the country?
  • Provide a picture of the national flag.

When you arrive at your destination:

  • What particular places will you visit?
  • What tourist attractions will you visit?
  • What food will you try?
  • What is the weather like?
  • What is the landscape like?
  • What are the people who live there like? Do they have any specific traditions or customs?
  • What language do people speak?
  • Do any celebrities live there?
  • What is the country well known for?
  • Are there any festivals?

You can decide how you would like to present your talk e.g. PowerPoint (Saved on GLOW or pen-drive), poster, photographs, bringing in items etc. You should practise your talk at home as often as possible and use a timer to help. You may want to use notes or prompt cards to help you stay on track.

All talks will be assessed using the school’s Talking & Listening criteria, which is also available on Glow.

Talks should be ready to present the week beginning Monday 27th November. 

Contact if you have any questions relating to the ‘Big Talk’.

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