Weekly Roundup

A big well done to Primary 5/6 for a fantastic first term!

We have enjoyed learning new things in literacy and numeracy as well as across the curriculum.

Every pupil in P5/6 have earned a well deserved break and I look forward to another great term after the holidays!

Weekly Roundup


During literacy this week, we have been writing mainly about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory as we have been making predictions and using visualisation to create pictures of all the characters after reading chapters of the book. We have also been learning about similes.


In maths we have been learning about pie charts and tally marks.  We have been creating pie charts and tally charts using the information we have gathered.

Across the Curriculum:

P5/6 had our first John Muir day  on Wednesday.  We had so much fun hanging out with friends on walks, cleaning our community and making nature mobiles. We are so exited to have our next one whenever we can go outside and spend time with our houses.


Written by Sophie and Bette