Weekly Roundup


In literacy we have been learning to spell our common words. We have also been learning to write poems. Pupils chose to write acrostic, rhyming or narrative poems.


In numeracy we were learning to understand information from bar graphs. We also hosted a numeracy open morning to showcase our learning on place value.

Across the Curriculum

We have been learning about where chocolate comes from and how it is made. We have also been learning about the Fairtrade foundation.

Written by P5/6

Weekly Roundup


In literacy we have been learning our ‘qu’ spelling words and a little bit about charlie and the chocolate factory. We have been using visualisation  and inference to explore characters in the text . We also made our own Charlie Buckets’ and used a thesaurus to improve our adjectives to describe him.


In numeracy we have had fun learning to partition whole numbers and decimals. We have also been learning to read pictographs .

Across the curriculum

We have been doing a lot of art this week including  creating and making perspective landscape art with water colour paint and more.

By Hannah and Eilidh


Weekly Roundup

We have had a great week in P5/6.


In literacy we have been learning to  use conjunctions in our descriptive writing. We have also been learning how to use adjectives in our writing. We made characters that own a sweet shop.


In numeracy we have been learning how to partition numbers to 100,000. We have also been learning how to use decimals in maths. We have been learning how to multiply the 2 and 3 times table .

Across the Curriculum

We have been learning all about chocolate and how it was made. We have been making our own chocolate wrappers for a company of our choice and we had so much fun doing that. We have also done some  art about chocolate bars .

From Eilidh and Harry



Weekly Roundup

P5/6 have been exploring their rights and responsibilities this week. The pupils were able to discuss and select the three most important rights they felt were relevant to our classroom. They then agreed on the  responsibilities that both adults and pupils have to make sure are respected and were able to incorporate this into our fruit themed charter!