Week beginning 30th October


This week in Literacy, we learned how to write a book review. This involved us rating the book and write a summary.

“I enjoyed doing it because it was a fun book.” – Callum

We also learned to unscramble sentences in order to make them correct.

In spelling, we looked at syllabification and diacritical marking.


In maths, we started a new topic which was data handling. We took our learning outside and used our new knowledge to count and record objects outside using tally marks.


Since it is coming up to bonfire night, we decided to do some lovely firework art. They turned out really well.

“We used lollipop sticks, paint and glitter.” – Mia

Committee Groups

We all went our separate ways for an afternoon this week to join our committee groups.

“We learned how to play the ukulele.” – Mykayla

“We were looking at pictures and we had to write things about article 8.” – Callum / Braxton

” We designed our own fish to show that we are all different but we swim together.” Logan



We are still learning new things on our chrome books. We are all getting really good at logging in.


We had lots of fun at our Hallowe’en party. We danced, dooked for apples, had good snacks and lots of other nice activities. We joined up with primary 4/5 which was really nice.

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