First Week Back

Primary 3/4 were all really happy to be back at school after our October break…

Our brains were all recharged and ready to learn lots of new things.


This week for literacy we were looking at inference and summarising. We continued to read our book and implemented our new knowledge into our given tasks. We produced some really good work this week.

Our handwriting is coming on in leaps and bounds.

We have been continuing to read our books during ERIC time to improve our fluency in reading. Miss Caughie is really enjoying listening to us all.

Our writing assessment this week involved us all using our knowledge that we have learned throughout the term about descriptive writing. Since it is coming up to Hallowe’en, we had to describe one of the witches from Hocus Pocus. We all had really good descriptive phrases to write.


This week in numeracy we have been looking at addition. We have been working in our groups doing different activities such as: worksheets, ICT and games.

We are also so lucky to have been given class chromebooks. The boys and girls have been doing really well at adapting to the new software and worked really well following instructions to get logged on to them so that they could use them for maths games.


We designed our own pumpkins this week to decorate our classroom and create a spooky atmosphere.




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