Week beginning 9th October

Primary 3 /4 are so ready for their October week because they have been working super hard.


This week we worked on more reading strategies for our book “That rabbit belongs to Emily Brown.” We looked at visualisation and metalinguistics. We used our dictionary skills to work out the meaning of words that we didn’t know. We also did some spelling tasks this week for our ‘ow’ sound which were making our own word search, diacritical marking and highlighting our phoneme story.  This week for our writing we wrote a descriptive piece about a hidden world full of dragons which had a focus on the five senses (touch, taste, smell, hear and see)

We have been continuing our ERIC reading time and handwriting everyday which has been a huge success for our fluency and accuracy.


We are coming to the end of our Place Value topic and have lots of consolidation this week to make sure we have secured our knowledge.

Ivy McGhee says that “it was so much fun.”


We were so extremely lucky this week to have had Mia Page’s mum and dad in to allow us to experience the life of a viking. We really enjoyed telling them what we had learned and also learned some things that we didn’t know.

“I really enjoyed looking at all of the weapons.” – Riley Main

“I liked the viking armour.” – Adam

“I learned about the pots that they used for candles.” – Logan Rockall


We had a lot of fun playing passing games in basketball.

Harvest Hush In

We did so well as a class to complete the harvest hush in…

Our jobs that we had to keep us busy were:

-Harvest colouring


-Creating our own story / comic book.

We had sea turtles on in the background which keeps us super focused!

Parents evening was really successful and we are all happy with our progress throughout the term. We hope everybody has a very well deserved break.



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