All posts by Miss O'CONNELL

Magic Monday!

Good morning P1/2!

I hope you all had a fun weekend and that you’re looking forward to another week of learning!Β  If you would like to post work this can be done in the Pupil work tab, or email it to me and I can post it for you. πŸ™‚

The week’s learning plan:

1. Weekly overview and activities

Remember and find a routine that works for you and take time to enjoy a walk or play with your family.

2. Suggested Daily Timetable

Homework words and home readers:

3. Home reader and spelling

3a. P1 – Home Reader

3b. P2 Home Reader

This week we will again be studying We’re going on a Bear Hunt, here are some resources you will need during the week.

Bear Hunt – Resource 1

Bear Hunt – Resource 2

Bear Hunt – resource 3

Bear Hunt – Resource 4

I will post your numeracy worksheets each day so keep checking in πŸ™‚

P1 2 Numeracy MONDAY

Here are some extras too, and changes to the virtual class:

PDF version: Virtual Classroom

Health and Wellbeing – Brain break cards

Have a fab day! πŸ™‚

Fabulous Friday!

Bonjour P1/2,

We’ve had another fabulous week of online learning! I have loved seeing the work I’ve been sent, I hope you are all getting on well and also having some time to relax and play!

Mrs Canning has prepared some Super Science:

Science P1-2 Week 2

My list of smells. (1)

After this it’s Ketchup and Pickle time! πŸ™‚ Finish any tasks you may have left and then pick a fun activity from our Virtual or Dino class.

have a fabulous weekend! πŸ™‚

Thinking Thursday!

Hi everyone,

How are you today? Has anyone accessed the Oxford Owl reading resources? What did you read?

Here is a reminder of the login details:

username: StsophiaREADING

password: readingisfab

I hope you are having a wonderful week! I’ve loved seeing the work that I have been sent or that has been posted, feel free to send me anything you would like to share with the class. πŸ™‚

Here is your numeracy task for today:

P1 2 numeracy THURSDAY

Keep practising your sounds and your reading too! I hope everyone was able to read along with me in the virtual class. I’m available on Glow or email if you need me. πŸ™‚

Miss O’Connell


Wonderful Wednesday!

Good morning P1/2,

It’s peak of the week! How is your learning going this week?

Here is your numeracy worksheet for today:

P1 2 numeracy WEDNESDAY

I have also included your dinosaur sorting activity! I think the meat eating dinosaurs look ferocious! Can you spot differences between the dinosaurs who eat meat and the ones who eat plants? What about their teeth? Their armored skin?

Dino name and diet cards

Meat or veg – dino sorting ACTIVITY

PDF version:

Virtual Classroom

Have a fabulous day!

Miss O’Connell πŸ™‚

Tuesday 19th

Bonjour P1/2,

I hope you are all having a good week so far. πŸ™‚ Our new topic this term is Deadly Dinosaurs. I have created this Dino Virtual class with links to BBC clips, art activities and songs! Feel free to explore. What do you already know about dinosaurs? And what would you like to find out more about? Leave a comment and share your knowledge with us. πŸ™‚

PDF version:

Dino Class

I have also included a PDF introduction to the dinosaurs!

Intro to dinosaurs

After you have found out a bit about the dinosaurs can you draw your favourite? You may want to include a sentence or two about why this is your favourite dino!

I have also made a PDF of a story that you might want to read with your grownup

God is better than trucks

Have a great day!

Miss O’Connell πŸ™‚

Marvellous Monday

Good morning everyone!

I hope you all had a fun and safe weekend! πŸ™‚

Here is your learning for the week, this week we will be focusing on the book We’re going on a bear hunt. Have any of you read the book before?

1. Weekly overview and activities

Bear Hunt Resource 1

Bear Hunt Resource 2

Bear Hunt Resource 3

This is the suggested daily timetable, but again find a routine that works for you and your family:

2. Suggested Daily Timetable

Your spelling tasks and class reading books, I will be uploading a link of me reading the texts tomorrow. Remember to keep practising your Learn Its (in the homework tab)

3. Home reader and spelling

3a. Primary 1 home reader

3b. Primary 2 Home Reader

I will upload the worksheets to compliment your maths work each day so keep checking in! πŸ™‚

P1 2 numeracy MONDAY

And some other fun activites to try keep practising!

4. Fine Motor Skills Activities

Maths on the Move Home Challenge Sheet

Have a fab day, I am available on email and I’d love to see some of your work if you’re able to post it on Glow! πŸ™‚



Ketchup Friday!

Good morning P1/2 !

I hope you have had a good week! I have missed seeing you all in class but I look forward to seeing more of your posts and hearing how you have been getting on. πŸ™‚

Today Mrs Canning has prepared a SUPER SCIENCE presentation for you all, it looks fab and I am sure you will enjoy it. πŸ™‚

After science it’s a KETCHUP and PICKLE day! Ketchup with any work you haven’t managed to complete yet or pick a fun activity from our virtual class… don’t forget singing a song… or doing the Agadoo is always a great idea! πŸ™‚

PDF for our virtual class:

Virtual Classroom Friday

Have a wonderful and safe weekend

Miss O’Connell πŸ™‚

Terrific Thursday!

Bonjour P1/2,

I hope you are all enjoying your week and have been able to access at least some of the resources. πŸ™‚ I would love to see some of your work.

I have created a class login for Oxford Owl,Β this is a wonderful website full of ebooks and activities. All can be refined by age group and I have included some in our virtual library. I think you will need the login to access.


username: StsophiaREADING

password: readingisfab


Virtual Classroom THURSDAY

Miss O’Connell πŸ™‚

Wonderful Wednesday

Hi P1/2 and grownups,

I hope you are all having a good week and getting to grips with our online learning. πŸ™‚ There is a new room to explore in our virtual class, (Slide 2) The Library, Ms Oliver is there waiting for you. Have fun exploring the activities and stories with your grownups. I will add more things to do as we continue on our journey.

I have also uploaded your homework Learn Its to the homework tab at the top of this page. πŸ™‚

Stay safe, enjoy learning and enjoy playing and timeΒ  together.

Miss O’Connell πŸ™‚

PDF version:

The Virtual Classroom WEDNESDAY