Week Ending 26.1.24

We have been working so hard this week. In literacy we have been learning the ‘h’ and ‘w’ sounds. On Monday and Tuesday we made happy faces with hair and hats, we built a hospital role play out of the blocks and had fun dressing up to care of each other. We also played hopscotch and then made it ever harder by adding an obstacle course first.

In maths we started learning to subtract and have been focusing on “taking away” 1, which we realised is just the number before, or a jump back on the numberline.

We also started looking at different tools we can use to help us subtract. So far we have used our fingers and cubes…

For our Scotland topic we have been reading Scots versions of some of our favourite stories and learning lots of new Scots words. One of our favourties is ‘tapselteerie’ which was in our class poem and means ‘upside-down’.

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