Homework W.B 31st January

Hello everyone, I hope you have all had a lovely weekend despite the horrible weather.

For homework this week we are focusing on our new sound ‘ou’. Please see the word list below.

january spelling grid

For reading I have allocated a new book this week. There are a number of children not accessing Bug Club so please let me know if you have any issues getting signed on or accessing any books.

Sapphires – Silly Jack and the Beanstalk

Diamonds – Shaun the Sheep: Too Many Jobs!

For numeracy this week we are continuing to look at addition, focusing on the column method. Children can have a go at answering these questions and explain their method or they can continue to play the Topmarks games from last week.

triangles homework

circles homework

squared paper

Scots Poem

The children have been enjoying practising their poem ‘The Sair Finger’.  I am so proud of them all – thank you so much to everyone at home who have helped the children practise it. The winner of the poetry competition will be chosen tomorrow by one of the other teachers in the base. I am sure the children will all be fantastic and it’ll be a very difficult decision 🙂

Homework W.C 24th January

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a lovely weekend.

For literacy this week we are focusing on the ‘ow’ sound as in ‘owl’. Please see the word list for this week below.

I have allocated a new book on Bug Club. Please read this and answer the bugs.

Sapphires – Amazing Trees

Diamonds – I Like to Play

For numeracy we are continuing looking at addition and time. For time we have been looking at o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. Please have a go at these games below.




Homework W.C 17th January

Hello everyone, sorry for the delay in posting the homework this week. My internet was down last night 🙁

For homework this week I would like you to focus on our new sound ‘ew’. Please see our word list below. Can you think of any more ‘ew’ words?

I would love you to focus on our Scottish poem ‘The Sair Finger’ and be ready to perform this to the class on Friday should you wish to take part in the competition. You could even have a go at creating some actions.

I have assessed the children at their Bug Club levels and will be moving almost all of the children up for next week. Books this week are as follows:

Sapphires – Jay and Sniffer: The Missing Masks

Diamonds – Bug Boy: Spider Camp

For numeracy if you can focus on number bonds to 10 and 20. You can practise them on Topmarks Hit the Button as we need to try and make these more automatic.

Scottish Poem

Today in class we have began looking at our Scots poem for the upcoming poetry competition. Everyone should have a copy in their bag of our poem: The Sair Finger by Walter Wingate – this can be kept at home to practise. If the children can try their best to learn this for Friday 21st of January where a winner will be chosen. I am sure the children will make this decision difficult. Everyone will get the opportunity to take part and I would love to see everyone have a go but nobody will need to participate who does not want to.
We are also learning the song Touch the Sky by Julie Fowlis from the movie Brave so children can also practise this at home if they wish.

Homework W.B 10th January

Hello everyone, I hope you all had a lovely weekend.

For literacy this week our sound is au and our common words are: because, week, keep, when. Please see this weeks word list below.

january spelling grid

On Bug Club I have allocated a new book.

Sapphires – Zeke Goes to Space School

Diamonds – Shaun the Sheep – What a Mess!


We are about to begin our new concept in numeracy of addition and numeracy strategies so you could have a go at practising your number bonds on Hit the Button or Mental Maths Train on Topmarks.




You could also have a go at solving these shape riddles.

Answers – square, pentagon, sphere, cube.