18.1.20 Weekly tasks

Here is everything for this week’s learning. I will also post a daily check in on a Wednesday,  and Friday. This will be a post on my class blog and you can just leave a wee comment to the post. It would be lovely to see some of the work your child has been doing. Just a reminder that you can email between 3 – 5 pieces of work in 1 email each week, which I will reply to when I can. 

There is also a Sumdog competition running this week for you all to take part in.

Have a good week everyone.

18.1 – plan

Read and Draw







Rain Poem

Gargieston PE Home Learning

Good Morning

Hello boys and girls. Happy Friday!


Well done for surviving your first week of home schooling – I know it is no easy task. You might be feeling happy that you can perhaps have a little bit of a longer lie (like Miss McConnell this morning). I know some of you will be feeling sad though because you are missing your friends and your activities. Let me know what you like to do to cheer you up a bit if you are feeling a bit sad. I like going for a long walk and this morning I am going to do a bit of yoga. Leave me a little comment.

Good afternoon everyone,

I hope that you had a lovely Christmas and New Year with your families.  The school is very quiet without you – I am missing you all very much.  I hope that we can all be back together soon.

I wonder if any of you spotted this handsome little fella in Miss Kinnaird’s winter weather video on the school blog?

This is Mylo and he is my new puppy nephew. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to meet him in person over the holidays because he lives too far away but hopefully I will see him soon.  I wonder if there were any new animal additions to your families over Christmas time?

Record of work

Just to clarify, if you are able to, I am looking for one email per week with between 3 – 5 pieces of work attached as a photograph or video.

Work should be sent to my email: kirsty.mcconnell@eastayrshire.org.uk

I will reply with a comment as soon as I am able to.

I will also post a daily check in on the blog on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, where you can just comment on the post but please send work to me via email.


A check in

Good morning everyone, I hope you are all well. Yesterday was a horrible day wasn’t it? I went out for a walk and got absolutely soaked – good job I had on my waterproofs to keep my as dry as possible. I am missing you all very much.


What have you been up to? Let me know what your favourite present from Santa was by adding a comment below.