All posts by eakirsty.mconnell@glow


Good Morning boys and girls, another brand new week!
I have received quite a lot of emails over the weekend. I am in school today and tomorrow but I will respond to all the emails when I can over the next couple of days. Please be assured I will get back to you.
I am also encouraging the children to not just read their book but to think a bit deeper about what they are reading and develop their comprehension skills.
This can be done through:
Answering questions about what is happening in the story, describing the characters etc.
Sequencing a story and writing a sentence about what is happening in the beginning, middle and end of the story.
Answering true/false questions.
Finding the meaning of unfamiliar words.
Looking for tricky words in the book.
Predicting what might happen next.

1.2 – plan (1)

Read and Draw sh

Common Words Stage 1 Weeks 1-7

Common Words Stage 1 Weeks 9-16






Friday 29th January

Good Morning boys and girls

Happy Friday.

Thank you for all of your hard work again this week. I can’t believe we are almost into the second month of the year already. January has been such a quick month. I am looking forward to having one of my favourite dinners tonight…can you guess what that might be? Let me know what your favourite dinner is.

Thursday 28th January

Good morning boys and girls.

My mindfulness colouring book arrived yesterday which I am looking forward to getting started with. I am noticing how it is starting to get a bit lighter at nights now. When I go out for my walk, I love being in the countryside and the woods. I love listening to the river…I find it very relaxing. What kind of things do you notice when you are out on your walks? Are you noticing any changes outdoors? Leave me a comment below.


Have another good day. Keep smiling!

25 January 2021

Good morning P1B! I loved seeing all of your work last week. You are all doing really well. I tried to upload the dictated sentences for you as a video but unfortunately the ipads in school aren’t working at the moment and it won’t let me upload from my phone. :(. We will get live lessons recorded again as soon as we are able to do so.

I hope you have had a good weekend and I look forward to seeing your completed tasks this week.

25.1-plan-1 (2)



Gargieston PE Home Learning (1)




Showcase of work

I am going to be posting a powerpoint presentation showcasing some of the activities you have been doing at home each week. I will choose one piece of work from each of you over the next three weeks to feature in the presentation, therefore I will choose 7 or 8 pieces of work each week. If you would not like your work to be posted on the blog, please let me know either in the comments box or email me and I will make sure your work is not selected.


Thank you