Wider Achievements – Well done to all the girls who danced in Margaret Bunten’s Dancing Display last week. Your hard work all year really paid off! Here is a picture of just a few of the girls.
June 11, 2018
by eaamy.carten@glow
June 11, 2018
by eaamy.carten@glow
Wider Achievements – Well done to all the girls who danced in Margaret Bunten’s Dancing Display last week. Your hard work all year really paid off! Here is a picture of just a few of the girls.
June 10, 2018
by ealesley.williams@glow
Look who I bumped into at a Strictly Kids 2018 event in Glasgow! Ruby enjoyed a day of dance, met Oti from Strictly, Miss Great Britain, the Scottish Rockettes and helped to raise money for the STV Children’s Appeal! … Continue reading
May 30, 2018
by Mr McIlwraith
Race for Life will take place this Friday 1st June (weather permitting). Our Race for Life is a pupil event this year, however, if you wish to accompany your child please come to the school reception where you will be … Continue reading
May 29, 2018
by Mrs Findlay
Callum took part in a football tournament at the weekend. He brought his medal to school. We are very proud of him.
May 22, 2018
by Mr McIlwraith
Well done to Kyle and Ross in P7 who completed a 13 mile walk at the weekend in aid of Ayrshire Hospice.
May 22, 2018
by Mr McIlwraith
1 Comment
Well done to Callum Walton who received our Depute Head Teacher’s Award this week. He was a responsible individual who supported his mum during an emergency situation at home. Well done!
May 14, 2018
by User deactivated
1 Comment
The P5/6 and P7 Football Teams have been busy recently. Firstly, the P7 team were successful in the East Ayrshire heat of the National tournament last Tuesday; winning all of their games and progressing to the South West Regional … Continue reading
May 1, 2018
by Mrs Findlay
1 Comment
Well done to all the Onthank swimmers who took part in Swimathon on Friday . They all worked as a team and did us proud! They received the Head Teacher’s Award at assembly on Monday?
March 29, 2018
by Mr McIlwraith
Primary 5 enjoyed the last day of term by making some eggcellent designs. They had to design a character or personality using hard boiled eggs and a backdrop to go along with it. All of our designs were outstanding but … Continue reading
March 13, 2018
by User deactivated
As part of Health and Wellbeing, Mrs Williams and Miss Smith have been teaching all classes how to help in an emergency situation. The pupils already know how to make an ambulance call, put a casualty in the Recovery Position and … Continue reading