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This Week’s Star Pupils W/C 04/10/21


Primary 1

1A – Logan for working very hard on his writing

1C – Luca – for working really hard on his number to 5

1K –Emma – for being helpful and kind to others.

1M – Olivia – for lovely writing in the cards she made for her friends.

Joke of the week
What is a monster’s favourite dessert?


Primary 2

2K – Oscar S – for having a great attitude to completing your work in class and always trying your best

2S – Skye – for independent working in literacy and numeracy tasks


Primary 3

3N -Amelia – for super newswriting and lovely handwriting.

3S – Starla – for fantastic science work


Primary 4

4E – Jessica for always trying her best in class activities.

4M – Zak – for always being polite, respectful, and working hard in all areas of the curriculum

4W – Layton – for trying so hard this week, well done!


Primary 5

5AK – Ava – for trying really hard to complete her work this week

5B – Kaden – being such a polite & helpful boy in class


Primary 6

6F – Jorgie – Excellent number work

6IS – Lewis – being a well behaved & super neat worker

6N – Layla – her positive attitude and always trying her best


Primary 7

7M – Zak – positivity in class challenges

         Emily – showing determination and a growth mindset to never give up

7Mc – Lucie – for delivering an excellent Number Talk explanation


Class 3 – Aiden – a positive attitude towards all lessons


Deputy Head Teachers Award


Byron 2S – for being kind

Morrisons It’s Good To Grow Vouchers

Please help us to collect as many It’s Good To Grow Vouchers from Morrisons between now and Sunday 24th October.

These vouchers will help us purchase gardening tools, plant pots, seeds and shelters/food for wildlife.

You can donate these vouchers to Onthank Primary if you have a MyMorrisons account.

This website has a video that explains more about how you can donate the vouchers.

This Week’s Star Pupils W/C 27/09/21


Primary 1

1A – Rhys – for super writing about his mum

1C – Olivia – for being very creative by carefully making her name with play dough

1K – Fraser – for super counting skills

1M – Sophia for thinking of some lovely compliments.

Joke of the week…
What do you call a happy penguin?
A pen-grin!


Primary 2

2E – Natalia – for being a kind and caring person to her friends

2S – Quinn- Super work in Reading & Numeracy


Primary 3

3B – Hallie – for participating in class discussions with such enthusiasm

3N -Alfie – for his excellent ICT skills and helping others

Eilidh – her enthusiasm and excellent reading skills when sharing her dinosaur book.

3T – Junior – for his super ideas for story writing


Primary 4

4M – Lucy  – has been a great help to Miss Baillie all week, keeping her right with class routines and making sure she knew where all the resources were around the class. Thank you, Lucy!

4W – Cherelle – beautiful numeracy jotter work


Primary 5

5AK – Ava – for trying really hard to complete her work this week

5B – Sonny – for working hard in our maths lessons


Primary 6

6A – Pyper – for using fantastic vocabulary in her Captain Conker story

6IS – Molly – always trying her best

6N – Lauren – for her positive ‘can-do’ attitude! Great start to P6!


Primary 7

7C – Robbie – Excellent descriptive language

7Mc – Lucas – for displaying great enthusiasm and interest when researching a famous mathematician and their impact on the world, as part of Maths Week Scotland.


Class 3 – Dylan – an excellent piece of imaginative writing

Deputy Head Teachers Award


Jodie – for being a super Waste Warden


This Week’s Star Pupils W/C 20/09/21


Primary 1

1A – Daniel – for always having kind manners and helping

1C – Fraser – for trying really hard to write his name neatly.

1K – Lily – working so hard to write her name correctly

1M – Sophia for thinking of some lovely compliments.

Joke of the week…
What do you call a happy penguin?
A pen-grin!

Primary 2

2E – Sarah – for working hard all week

2K – Joe – for outstanding effort in spelling and writing

2S – Masyn – Excellent thinking & answering across the Curriculum


Primary 3

3B – Jude – for always working hard and doing his best work with a smile on his face!

3S – Kacie – Fantastic science knowledge

3T – Emma- for always promoting the use of School Values


Primary 4

4E – Carter – being sensible and kind towards his classmates

4M – Callum – Fantastic maths skills

4W – Euan – for fantastic reading in P4W


Primary 5

5AK – Lucas – for following instructions and having lovely manners.

5B – Tyler – for working well in our spelling lessons

5M – Maci – for working hard and always trying her best


Primary 6

6A – Alistair – for always being an excellent participant in class discussions.

6F – Rebecca – Fantastic Metalinguistic skills


Primary 7

7C – Erin – excellent attitude towards all area of the curriculum

7Mc – Rowan – for working hard to develop her hockey skills


Deputy Head Teachers Award


Morgan 3S – for raising money for charity by having a sale

This Week’s Star Pupils W/C14/09/21


Primary 2

2E – Emily – for showing kindness towards all her friends.

2S – Ross – super work in numbers & maths


Primary 3

3N – Courtney – for being an incredibly kind friend to others

3T – Harry – his work ethic and dedication to all tasks


Primary 4

4E – Kayla –  for showing more confidence in number work

4M – Austin – fantasic BugClub reading

4W – Ava – beign a very kind & helpful pupil


Primary 5

5B – Aidynn – for sitting nicely in class and always listening carefully to instructions

5M – Gurkirit – has been showing kindness to his classmates.

Georgie – Excellent work in maths


Primary 6

6A – Sophia – fantastic effort in all that she does, even in the things she finds tricky

6F – Alfie – amazing progress in maths

6IS – Asmaa – trying hard at all times

6N – Airen – his determination during numeracy tasks


Primary 7

7M – Rae – for her positive attitude in class

7Mc – Kye – for an excellent diary entry based on a character from the class novel Skellig


Class 1

Alysha – working really well on place value


Deputy Head Teacher’s award


Caitlin – P7C – for being very helpful






#TasteItDontWasteIt @ Onthank

‘At Onthank we are trying to reduce food waste every day & recycle as much as we can for #ScotClimateWeek raising awareness for Love Food Hate Waste across #OurOnthankCommunity We are weighing lunchtime waste and displaying figures for everyone to see. #TasteItDontWasteIt is our motto!’ (Alexander, P7)

Thank you, Education Scotland, for funding and supporting our Food For Thought journey and allowing our young people to lead change. #LetsDoIt #PupilVoice #ChangeAmbassadors


This Week’s Star Pupils


Primary 1

1A – Lochlan and Anna for being excellent engineers and working together

1C – Lily-Rose – for reading tricky words

1K – Ellie – always trying her very best in class

1M – Ellie McCulloch for being a PATHS Pal and helping a friend.

Joke of the week…
Where does a sink go dancing?
The dish-co!

Primary 2

2E – Jack – has done great work in literacy & maths

2K – Lewis – excellent effort & participation at sounds time.

2S – Lewis – being mature, kind & helpful


Primary 3

3B – Oliver – for always being a motivated and enthusiastic learner in class!

        Well done Oliver…keep up the good work.

3T – Ffion – her hard work and positive attitude


Primary 4

4E – Sonny – for having a growth mind set and improving his skipping skills

4M – Leah – for excellent reading of Titanic Facts

4W – Robbie – fantastic personal writing


Primary 5

5AK – Sadie – has tried really hard with her work.

5B – Mia – being a competent reader in class


Primary 6

6A – John is star pupil for having lovely manners and super smile

6N – Isla – being a great contributor during lessons!


Primary 7

7C -Danny – Showing a great understanding of multiplication

7M – Keir – being kind and caring towards others

7Mc – Cody – for having a positive growth mindset when trying new ways to tackle calculations.


Deputy Head Teacher’s award

Scarlett, Finlay & Ben for having a sale and raising money for a Cancer charity.

This Week’s Star Pupils




Primary 1

1A – Isabella – for taking the time to draw an interesting and detailed picture of her family

1C -Elspeth – for quickly calculating the number in the class

1K – Evie – for being helpful and polite

1M – Lauren – for thinking like an engineer to solve a numicon maths problem

Joke of the week:

Why are fish so smart

Because they live in schools


Primary 2

2E – Callum – for being kind & helpful

2S – Jackson – great work in story writing


Primary 3

3B – Lucie – for consistently working hard and always following instructions

3N – Hannah – for fantastic, detailed writing including super sentences.

Scarlett – for raising money for charity

3T – Jack – for excellent efforts in all areas of the curriculum.


Primary 4

4E – Amelia – for being kind to her classmates

4M – Max – wonderful spelling

4W – Hashaim – trying his best in class


Primary 5

5AK – Robbie – for being very helpful in class this week.

5B – Zoe – working hard at maths rounding to the nearest 10,100 &1000

5M – Lucy – for being respectful & hard working all week


Primary 6


6F – Blake – being kind to others

6IS – Jaxon – for being out ‘Countdown’ champion

6N – Maia – for her positive attitude and determination to succeed.


Primary 7

7MC –  Callum – for taking on new challenges and dealing with them positively


Deputy Head Teacher’s award


Sophie – P2K for having 11 inches cut off her hair for Little Princess Trust

This Week’s Star Pupils

Primary 1

1A Whole class – for settling in well to school and making new friends.

1C – Whole class – for settling in well to school and making new friends.

1K – Whole class – for settling in well to school and making new friends.

1M – Whole class – for settling in well to school and making new friends.


Primary 2

2E – Callum – being a kind and helpful pupil in class

2K – Jess – outstanding attitude in school

2S – Byron – showing maturity and kindness in class


Primary 3

3B – Aaron – for consistently doing his best and making good choices throughout the week. Well done, Aaron

3N – Frankie – for trying hard with work, good listening and sharing his cheerful smile!

3S – Lucas – Fantastic work all week

3T – Cara – for always using lovely manner and being very helpful with our new friend


Primary 4

4E – All of P4E for being a fabulous new class

4M – Whole class – for being amazing

4W – Whole class – for a great first week back


Primary 5

5AK – Rachel – has shown kindness to her classmates by helping them with their class work.

5B – Khayri – working well independently and listening carefully to instructions

5M – Rory – for settling in very well


Primary 6

6A – Haleigh – for delivering a great solo talk and designing a super poster.

6F – Logan – for outstanding achievements in class

6IS – Whole class – for settling in really well towards P6 & completing all tasks so far efficiently

6N – Molly – her enthusiasm and positive attitude towards her learning


Primary 7

7C – Whole class – excellent start to their final year of primary school

7M – Cody – being a responsible citizen in class

7MC –  Bailey – for making a fantastic start to Primary 7


Deputy Head Teacher’s award

Molly, Isla, Lil & Ella for having a street sale and raising money for charity