“When you exercise, your body releases endorphins – a chemical which can make you feel happy, confident, and capable.”
As it is Children’s Mental Health Week this week, we are setting you a physical challenge for all the family! All you have to do is send in a photo or a short video of you taking part in a fitness or sporting activity!
Here is Mr McClure explaining why exercise and physical activity plays such an important part in your overall health and wellbeing:
Any snapshots should be sent to Miss Muir at susan.muir@eastayrshire.org.uk, or your child can post on the Whole School Teams Page (P3-P7 only). Any photos should be sent by 12pm on Friday 5th February 2021 if you wish to participate.
We can’t wait to see what you get up to this week!
#ChildrensMeantalHealthWeek #ExpressYourself #OurOnthankOnline #StayConnected
And here is your compilation of Fitness activities: