This Week’s Star Pupils


Primary 1

1A – Leah – for participating more in class discussions

1C – Katie – for wonderful dashing in the Santa Dash

1F – Connor – trying hard this week

1M – Thomas – masking us smile with the best Christmas tree costume ever!


Joke of the day:

What do you get if you cross a Christmas tree with an Ipad?

A pineapple!!


Primary 2

2B – Whole class – for super Christmas festive cheer

2K – Halle – consistently good effort completing her schoolwork

2S – Sofia – for being a great help to class teacher & Santa’s little helper

2T – Emily – fantastic communication skills                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Primary 3

3N – Whole class – for being absolutely fantastic


Primary 4

4E – Jessica – for working hard and making super progress om phonics/spelling

4K – Whole class – for spreading kindness and Christmas cheer!

4M – Bradley – working well on independent tasks & being a positive role model for others in the class.


Primary 5

5C – Whole class – for being fantastic!

5CA – Chloe – super solo talk

5K – Whole class – for being Superstars!

5M – Whole class – A fantastic term 2 – working so well!


Primary 6

6A – Whole class – for working hard this year


Primary 7

7Mc – Emma – Consistent hard work and a positive attitude

Deputy Head Teacher’s Award

Macie 2s – Super singing on the radio!


Merry Christmas & Happy New Year


Stay Safe & Be Kind

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