What are you going to do today to make it a good day?
‘Onthank On Foot’ – Wear odd socks
Remember to look at the ‘Positive Choices’ Menu below and choose some of the activities to try. Don’t forget to send your photos to Mr McIlwraith by 5pm on Friday 8th June to star in the next Onthank YouTube video. eadavid.mcilwraith1@glow.sch.uk
Staff YouTubers
Here is your daily fix of Mr Swan – grab a drink of water and get moving!
Today we also have the amazing Miss Anderson! Miss Anderson loves a challenge. In this video she will teach you that a having a Growth Mindset is very important and that if you keep trying at difficult tasks you will succeed.
Mrs Irving shows her piano playing skills in the next video. What an amazing talent to have! Thank you for sharing this Mrs Irving. Do you play an instrument? Share a photo with us for all to see in the next video.
Remember to tune back in tomorrow to see more staff videos!