All posts by eatracey.hamilton@glow

P3 Moving Up Day

Promotion Sunday - Moving UP | Sunday school parties

24.6.20  The Day Is Here

Well you have all successfully made it to the end of Primary 3 and today we welcome everyone to their new teachers and their classes.  In Primary 4 you will be coming in and out via the green door (P7 playground) and using only green marked toilets.  You will all know which group you are in but we all hope that it doesn’t last too long.

Please don’t worry about your return in August if you can.  Enjoy your summer holiday.

Here is a welcome from Mrs Klein:

Here is a welcome from Miss Ellis:

Here is a welcome from Mrs Williams:

Here is a welcome from Mrs Easter:





Final Day of Positive Choices Week

Onthank On Foot – Friday

Wear your favourite outfit and pass a smile.

What an amazing week it has been! We have heard from lots of pupils who have been keen to share what they have been up to during ‘Positive Choices Week’. Remember that you have until 5pm today to send a photo to Mr McIlwraith. I am sure that all the photos will make us smile a lot! Please send to

Positive Choices Week

8.6.20  A Week of Fun


Positive Choices Week has arrived. The following menu is here for you to try out some of the activities.  Our timetable will change slightly this week to accommodate a few of the following activities. Please remember these are only suggested activities, simply choose a few that you like the sound of.

You can send a photos of something you do to keep healthy and happy or completing one of the tasks below. Photos have to be emailed to Mr McIlwraith by Friday 12th June 5pm.

Please have a look at the main Onthank blog of our P3 health tab to find out about ‘Onthank On Foot‘.
There will also be videos of staff showing you some of the things they like to do to relax. This will start with our very own  Masterchef Franchi so tune in for that!😁

P3 Teachers 🌈☀️😍⭐️



JK Rowling is writing a new story called The Ickabog and she is putting up the chapters on the book’s website for people to read. Check out the Reading and Writing page for more information.

There is also the opportunity to contribute illustrations to go with the story. Click on this link to find out more:

Let us know if you draw any illustrations for the competition or just for fun after reading the chapters.

Sum Dog Issues

Hi folks

We hear some of you are having issues with Sum Dog.  The main login screen should look like this…

The user name is the letters and numbers we issued you with and password is primary3.  This should then take you straight into 3 options of maths, spelling or grammar.  On a first visit you  need to answer so many questions for the system to work out your level.

Hope this helps.

Week 2 – Good Morning

How many staff does the NHS need? - BBC News

Good morning

It’s the start of week 2 and the sun is still shining which is enough to make us all smile.  It will also give you an excuse to do some outdoor learning and play instead of being stuck inside – unless you are still in isolation.

We had a little idea this morning, that perhaps as a writing task this week you could write a “Thank You” card or letter to the NHS staff for keeping us all well and trying to beat this virus.  They are working so hard and we know some of you have parents who are doing their bit, so your card could be for them.

Post your cards online so we can see them when you finish them.  What you write is up to you, just be creative – and enjoy.



Good morning Primary 3 

We have been setting up some extra activities for you and some parents have requested Sumdog accounts, so we have set you all up with an account.  This is an online maths program that will provide you with questions that are at your level.

You will first be asked to complete a variety of questions – some may be too difficult for you but put in an answer, as it will allow the software to establish where you need to start learning.  Once you’ve finished this initial set of questions it will set your level.

We will also add some challenges for you and games – some with time limits – to keep some focus on areas we have been learning about, so look out for these too.

You will find your login details under each of your class lists and everyone’s password is set at primary3.

Any questions – just ask.  Give it a try and have some fun!
