Onthank Primary 3

Green & Yellow Maths

Friday 15th January


Today we are looking at our numbers to 100. You will have the 100 grid from yesterday which will help. Knowing these numbers will help with rounding to the nearest 10 which we will do next week. Here is another video to help with the counting and includes some exercises:


Today is catch up on anything you haven’t completed with one small additional sheet but here is a game to help with numbers to 100 just for fun. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/helicopter-rescue




Counting to 30

Get your gym clothes on and get moving and counting to 30.

Today we would like you to make a number line from 0 – 30 . You can make your number line any way you want. Have a look in our Teams page to see pictures for some ideas.



You can then play this game to find numbers up to 30. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/helicopter-rescue


Write 0 – 30 on pegs and put them in order.

Chalk a number ladder or number line on the ground and jump up and down it.


Write 0 – 30 on post it notes and peg them on the washing line.


Write 0 – 30 on paper plates and set them out in a big long row.

Thursday 14th January


Back to some addition and subtraction to 20.  It’s good to keep your mind challenged and knowing your numbers to 50 helps build up this knowledge for addition and subtraction.  You should still have 1 or 2 pages left in the document from Monday which you can use to cut and stick answers/write them down.  Here is an extra addition to 20 sheet if you need it then you can try this quiz – you pick how hard you want the questions.

Green addition to 20



It is important that you know the number that come before and after another number. To help us practice that skill I would like you to try playing the missing numbers game with Curious George that I have linked below. You need to select which apple is missing anywhere from 0 -20.


So you have been focusing on missing numbers to 20 and deciding which numbers come before and after certain numbers. Keep practicing those skills today by revisiting your favourite activities or by completing some of the sheets you never got around to. Linked below is an extra sheet for pupils who wish a challenge or those who got through all of the work.   Once finished, why not try the quiz above – there is a nice easy version or challenge yourself for a harder one.

numbers to 20 one more or less



Wednesday 13th Jan

Green and Yellow

You are both going to work on your numbers to 50 – ordering, counting, discussing them and describing them.

Here is a video first to exercise and count at the same time:


Now when we look at numbers over 10 we can split them into tens and units.

      We sometimes draw them like 

Here is a 100 grid to help you if you need it.  Your task today is to order the numbers to 50.  Good luck.


A little extra addition/subtraction to 10 for the Yellows too – https://www.liveworksheets.com/uo642295je

Some games to try here https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/5-7-years/ordering-and-sequencing


Tuesday 12th January


Continue with your addition to 20 today.  There is a second page to try of the cut and stick sums, or you can write them in your jotter.


Continue with your addition to 10.  There is another sheet of sums for you to try.

Here’s a small video on addition to 10 in case you need it.




Monday 11th January

Good morning friends.  Today we are going to continue with our addition to 20.  Feel free to use number lines, sweets as counters or any other means to help you.  If you have a ruler at home this will work too. 

Remember with addition it doesn’t matter which number you start with you should still end up with the same answer. 

add to 20 various


Hello my yellow group – you are going to try some more addition to 10.  There is a number line on the sheet to help you.  Remember when adding, start at one number and JUMP on the extra but DON’T count the number you are sitting on as the first “jump”. 

Think Jumps Only.


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