We hope you all had a fantastic September weekend and are ready to kick start our homework!
We have been working hard setting up a new Microsoft Team for each class and getting usernames and passwords all ready to access Glow and Teams.
Since it is our first time, we have been learning how to access and use our Glow accounts and Microsoft Teams in class and now we are setting the challenge of trying it out at home (see below).
Below are the homework activities we would like you to complete this week.
Log on and read the book allocated on your Bug Club account. Remember to close all the bugs!
Complete the phonics game allocated on your Bug Club account.
Click on the link for Hit the Button and click ‘doubles’. Choose the level you feel confident working at. Remember, you can change this if you are finding it too easy or too challenging. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
Try logging into your Glow account and open up Teams. Interact on Teams by responding to the question posted by your teacher.
Read your library book and return it on Friday.
Below is a link to remind you how to access and use Bug Club that Mrs Kidd kindly recorded for parents/carers across the school.