On Thursday our very lucky Primary 3 classes will each be taking part in an outdoor learning session with Rangers from the Dean Park. The Rangers are coming to work with us outside in areas near to the school (we are not going to the Dean Park on this occasion). This will be an exciting opportunity to explore and learn more about the nature right on our doorstep!
Please could all children come to school with waterproof jackets and wellies (if possible or suitable outdoors footwear), so that they are dressed appropriately and can stay cosy, dry and enjoy their time learning outside.
It looks like the weather might be quite wet on Thursday, so it would be a good idea to also bring a change of trousers, socks and shoes to change into afterwards in case we get wet.
The session times have been organised so that children will have their usual snack and lunch times in school.
There are sure to be some excited children coming home and keen to tell you all about their learning on Thursday!