Onthank Primary 3

Monday 18th May


Mrs Kidd will be here all week posting up ideas to keep you going.


What are we doing this week?


– Review some of your Active Literacy joined phonemes and see how well you can remember these from class.

– The teachers are all missing your super sentences, so we’ll work on that too.

– I’ve got a confession, I’ve really missed reading you all a story so I’m going to share a couple of books with you this week.


– Extend the idea of place value that Mrs Strain and Mrs Saxelby began with you a couple of weeks ago to see that we really understand what numbers mean.

– Making various types of numbers with things you can find in your house.

Other Curricular Areas

– Introduce you to the lifecycle of a frog.

– Think about the food that animals eat.


What do we need?

This week, you will preferably need:

  1. a smile on your face

  2. something to write with

  3. something to write on,  if you don’t have a sheet of paper, ask to go and raid the paper recycling 

  4.  “found objects” from your house like stones, twigs, pasta, crayons, blocks, pegs, toy cars or dolls…etc, you do not need to buy anything

  5. dice if you have one

  6. tea towel or a cover


What are we doing today then?



– Watch this video and shout out the sounds you recognise.

*****Get some paper and something to write with.*****

– Watch this video and copy out the sh th ch & ng sounds and write the words in your best handwriting.


Want a challenge?

– Make a table like this on your paper.

– Hunt your house for sh, th, ch & ng words then handwrite them neatly into the right spaces. Remember to join the joined phonemes you know.





Estimate means have a good guess without counting.

– Look at this picture but don’t count yet! Estimate how many crayons you think you see.

– Watch this video.


*****Collect some found objects to make your answers*****

– Use your objects to make these numbers:-

         14              19              17              12

         18              13              16              15

– Send any photographs of your work to your personal Glow page or to your teachers by email.

Want a challenge?

– Make your own estimation station using items you can find in your home and challenge your family to see who can get the closest answer.

Remember don’t count them at the start.

Think to yourself if the number looks bigger, smaller or the same as 10, take a guess, then count the items to check.




– Watch this video about the lifecycle of a frog. It also contains the story for today about a little frog.

– There are many different types of frog. Find out about three other kinds of frog in the world, if you can, then make a list and have a go drawing them. Pay attention to the colours or patterns on the frogs you learn about today because it will help to make an activity later in the week more interesting.

Am I done for today then?

Yes, that’s it for today.

Use these ideas if they are helpful to your daily routine.


  • They are suggestions.

  • Check the other websites for ideas – Mymaths, Teach Your Monster to Read or Bug Club.

  • Check out the class tabs on the top menu to see good work or perhaps some additional class information.

  • Upload your work to your personal Glow blog page or email your work to your teacher.

  • If you don’t have access to items for writing and recording your work, then pop round to the Spar shop across from our school and collect what you need. They were left there by Mrs Findlay free of charge.

  • To play to relax and have fun.

See you tomorrow for more ideas.

Mrs Kidd & the P2 Team

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