Wet and Wild Assault Course Event

Check out the photographs from our Wet and Wild Assault Course event held on Friday 14th June on the Sway below.

The Sway will be updated with P1/2 and P3/4 photographs shortly.

What a fun afternoon had by all; slipping and sliding, jumping and crawling!! The pupils, and staff, had a fabulously fun time. The weather certainly didn’t dampen the spirits of our very soggy participants. A wee bit of rain actually helped, and our volunteers and staff had great fun manning the hoses and water pistols to soak everyone even further!!

A massive thank you to the Parent Council for all their hard work organising, setting up and running the event on the day.

Thanks also go to Mr and Mrs Miller for the use of their hose, Katie Irwin for supplying the hay bales, Scott for the use of his cargo nets, and also to EAC for supplying the water bowser.

A lot of pupils have asked if this can be a yearly event, so a successful event indeed!

Go to this Sway

East Ayrshire Summer Schools

This Year East Ayrshire Council will be running 3 different summer schools. Please see the attached letter, link at bottom, for full details.

You can sign up to only one of these as they will be taking place at the same time:

  • ·         Dance Summer School (P4-P7)
  • ·         Parkour Summer School (P6-7)
  • ·         Creative Music Making Sessions (P4-7)

Each day will begin at 10.00 a.m. and finish at 3.00 p.m. On the Friday afternoon there will be a joint performance at 1.30 p.m. in the school to showcase to family and friends what has been achieved during the week.

The course will be based in Mauchline Primary and participants should bring a packed lunch each day. No previous experience or specialist clothing is necessary; enthusiasm and comfortable clothing are adequate.

There are limited places available on each course with the participants divided into groups according to age, experience and friendship-groups where possible.

This year’s course is being co-ordinated by Zara Smith, Cultural Co-ordinator, Dance and Movement and all sessions will be taken by highly qualified and experienced artists. To ensure maximum benefit for everyone, it is anticipated that the usual high standards of behaviour expected in our schools will be displayed. The Summer School is funded by Mauchline CARS and is entirely free however, we ask that you contact us if your child can no longer participate so we can pass the space over to another child.

Please note, each applicant must be able to make their own transport arrangements. If you would like to apply for a place on this course for your child, please complete the online forms


Confirmation emails will be sent out at the end of June.

Dance Summer School (P4-P7 & S1-S6)

Dance Summer School is an amazing week where participants will learn a variety of dance styles, working with experienced and inspirational dance instructors. The week will culminate in a show for family and friends. There are 30 places available for this course.

Parkour Summer School (P6-7)

There are only 15 places available on this summer school, working with the incredibly talented and experience Parkour artist, Scott Houston. It will be an awesome week. It is hoped by the end of the project the young people involved will have developed a greater sense of self and feel challenged, motivated, inspired and improve additional skills which can be adapted to other aspects of their lives.

We are confident that your child will be taught to a standard to enable them to perform their moves safely by a qualified and competent instructor. However, you should be clear when granting permission for your child to be involved in this project, that undertaking Parkour is challenging and even with careful planning and supervision, there is a risk of injury, albeit low.

Creative Music Making Sessions (P4-7)

Do you like to sing or write songs, play the guitar or keyboard or fancy being in a band?

Whether you play an instrument or a beginner, this is a fantastic opportunity to learn how to use your creativity to write songs. Our sessions are great fun as we provide you with the basic tools to write and perform your own songs in whatever style you prefer.

There is a song inside everyone and we can’t wait to hear yours.

There are only 15 places available for this course.


 Places will be offered on a first come, first served basis.

Summer Schools Mauchline Primary 2024

Beach Themed Lunch – Thursday 20th June

Please check out the Beach Themed Lunch on ParentPay.

This is a change to the normal week 2 Thursday menu. The options are as follows:

  • Pirates Pizza = cheese / vegan pizza
  • Sausage Submarine = hot dog
  • Treasure Chest Chips = chips
  • Sea Shore Salad = mixed salad
  • Barnacles Biscuits = cookies
  • Ice Lollies = fruit ices lollies

Please book in the usual way through ParentPay.

Thank you

School Lunches

Please note that there is a change to the menu for Monday 17th June.

The Super Tattie’s Tasty Tray will now come with an egg sandwich and not the chicken mayo baguette as noted on the ParentPay app.

Please also note that menus may be subject to change at short notice as we come to the end of the academic year.

Thank you

Wet and Wild Fun Afternoon – Friday 14th June

The Parent Council have organised a Wet and Wild fun afternoon for Friday 14th June.

Children will have an opportunity to take part in an obstacle course based around fun water activities.

The children will get wet so should come to school in old clothes and shoes/trainers. Something long sleeved and leggings or joggers would be best.

Children should bring a towel and a warm change of clothes for after their fun session.

If the weather is not suitable this event may be postponed.

Many thanks to the Parent Council and volunteers for their hard work in organising and running this event.

Sports Day – Friday 31st May 2024

At the moment our pitch is dry enough to run our Sports Afternoon tomorrow at 1.30pm. Should the weather change for the worse and the pitch is too wet to run events safely we will notify you of the cancellation by 11.30am. on this app.

Adults should enter via the front gate at 1.25pm and seating will be provided in the playground area. Children will remain on the pitch area and return to classrooms when all the races are finished. Parents wishing to take their children home at the end of the afternoon should come to the main entrance to collect their child.


Order of events:

Flat Race Boys

Flat Race Girls

P1, P2, P3,P4, P5, P6 and P7

Novelty Races Boys

Novelty Races Girls

P1 Obstacle Race

P2 Egg and Spoon

P3 Washing Line

P4 Newspaper

P5 Hat, scarf and gloves

P6 Sack Race

P7 Obstacle Race


We look forward to seeing you tomorrow and hopefully the sun will shine.

Sports Taster Sessions

All pupils will take part in activity sessions this week. Please ensure that your child has their PE kit  with them every day  this week ( no football strips, please).

On Wednesday all pupils will have the chance to show their Fast Feet in football  with coaches from Kilmarnock Football Club.

On Thursday each class will have a taster session of Karate.

Children will be focusing on health and will also take part in Daily Mile activities, in between the rain showers. Please ensure your child has a waterproof jacket with them.

Weather permitting, and if our pitch has dried out enough, our Sports afternoon will take place on Friday afternoon at 1.30 p.m in the school. Please look out for updates on whether this event will go ahead on the  31st  May.

WHATSAPP AND SOCIAL MEDIA – Advice for parents and carers

Mobile phones are a great way for children and young people to keep in contact with their parents, carers and friends, especially as they begin a new school year. However, issues may arise if our children and young people excitedly share their mobile phone number with other pupils in their new school year group and even wider, as they perhaps join ‘WhatsApp’ group chats or other social media group chats.

This can lead to your child or young person sharing their mobile phone number with a whole year group and being included in what could amount to over one hundred school pupils on single group chat! The reality of this is that they don’t all know each other, they will all be from different backgrounds, they will all have different levels of online awareness and they will most likely be seeing messages, images and even video footage shared in the group which you, as a parent or carer, would not like them to see but which is out with your control. This situation can be difficult to manage and could be distressing in relation to what is read or seen. Coupled to this, peer pressure could lead to bullying.

WhatsApp is by far the most used messaging App although there are many other similar messaging Apps, and it allows users to send instant messages only to contacts that they have added to their WhatsApp account. Only people who have a WhatsApp account can send and receive messages through the app. Messages can be sent ‘one to one’ or within a ‘group conversation’ and for all messages sent, WhatsApp sends “read receipts” to tell sender if the message was delivered, read, seen or played. These settings can be changed, see the ‘how to guide for parents’ link below for more information. In relation to a group chat on any social media platform, even those as a parent or carer you are involved with, you have no control what will be sent, seen or shared so it is worthwhile having a conversation with your child or young person about this.

We know peer pressure can lead to people of any age doing something they otherwise would not do, online or offline, so this awareness during your child or young persons’ early years is very important.

Our colleagues at Internet Matters have created information resources below to inform you of how the social media platform “ WhatsApp” operates and how you can you can put measures in place to protect what your child or young person sees on the app and awareness on the apps security settings.

Please see the links below for more valuable advice:




East Ayrshire Summer Schools – William McIlvanney Campus, Kilmarnock, 22-26 July 2024

Please see the attached information regarding this year’s East Ayrshire Dance Summer School (P4-P7 & S1-S6).

Each day will begin at 10.00 a.m. and finish at 3.00 p.m. On the Friday afternoon there will be a joint performance at 1.30pm in the Assembly Hall to showcase to family and friends what has been achieved during the week.

The course will be based at William McIlvanney Campus and participants should bring a packed lunch each day. No previous experience or specialist clothing is necessary; enthusiasm and comfortable clothing are adequate.

There are limited places available on this course with the participants divided into groups according to age, experience and friendship-groups where possible.

This year’s course is being co-ordinated by Zara Smith, Cultural Co-ordinator, Dance and Movement and all sessions will be taken by highly qualified and experienced artists. To ensure maximum benefit for everyone, it is anticipated that the usual high standards of behaviour expected in our schools will be displayed.

The Summer School is subsidised by East Ayrshire Council, however, there will be a non-refundable administration charge of £30 per child (£25 for siblings) for the entire week. Once we receive your form an invoice will be sent out via Parentpay by the end of June secure your child’s place. Pupil’s entitled to FSM will be free.

Please note, each applicant must be able to make their own transport arrangements. If you would like to apply for a place on this course for your child, please complete the online form:


by Friday 14th June 2024.

Confirmation emails will be sent out the end of June.

Kind Regards,

Zara Smith
Cultural Co-ordinator, Dance & Movement
Creative Minds Team
East Ayrshire Council

Kilmarnock Dance Summer School Forms 2024

P5 Sports Day

Could Primary 5 pupils please bring in a hat, scarf and pair of gloves for our novelty race.

Items should be brought to school in a labelled bag by Wednesday 29th May, for sports day Friday 31st May.

Many thanks,

Mrs Meek and Mr McMillan

Super Hero Themed Lunch – Thursday 30th May 2024

Please note that there is a change to the usual Week 2 school lunch menu for Thursday 30th May.

For one day only….It’s Super Hero Day…..

  • Batman Burger (beefburger), or
  • Power Ranger Panini (cheese/vegan cheese panini)

both served with Wonder Woman Wedges (potato wedges) and Superman Salad.

Captain America Cupcake for dessert.

If your child would like a lunch from this menu on the 30th, please place, or amend your order on Parent Pay in the usual manner.

Thank you

School Trip to Culzean – Monday 3rd June 2024 – Packed Lunches


The whole school will be going on a visit to Culzean Castle and Country Park on Monday 3rd June 2024.

We would like to thank the Parent Council for funding the transport and workshop cost from their successful grant application to 9CC. There will be no cost to pupils.

Children will be enjoying the following workshops:

  • P1 – Sense Walk
  • P2-4 – Power of Our Planet (outdoor learning), and
  • P5-7 – Castle Learning, Life in the Past.

As the pupils will be out of school all day a packed lunch will be required.

Should you wish to order an East Ayrshire provided school lunch, please place your order via ParentPay by no later than Wednesday 29th May, as the kitchens require at least 48 hours of notice prior to a trip.

Please do not place an order on ParentPay if your child is bringing a packed lunch along from home.

With the typical Scottish weather being so variable, it would be advisable to bring along a waterproof jacket and suitable sturdy waterproof footwear, as well as sunscreen, sun hat and sunglasses. Who knows what surprises the weather may bring, but here’s hoping it behaves and gives us a fine day.

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