EAC Facilities & Property Management

From Monday the 29th August, all EA Catering Services Primary Schools will provide free fruit during morning interval for our young people to promote healthy eating as part of their 5 day. A variety of fresh fruit will be available from the canteen in all primary schools for our young learners to enjoy.


Freshly prepared soups home baking, dessert, milk and water will be available at lunch time in accordance with the weekly menus. All main meals at lunch time will be served with 2 choice vegetable/salad garnish.

Roald Dahl Day

To help celebrate Roald Dahl day we ask children to come dressed as their favourite  Roald Dahl character on Wednesday 14 September. Roald Dahl’s books were about children being kind and caring even when life is super tough.

We are not asking for a donation from the children as a donation from the school staff  will be sent to support the Roald Dahl charity for children who are seriously ill and being brave. If anyone wishes to contribute, a box will be available just inside the front door of the main school entrance.

Being brave is about feeling scared but carrying on anyway. Being kind is being kind and generous to someone else. The nurses, who look after sick children, are super kind and are amazing!

Can you discuss with your child about a time when they have been kind or brave to help us to celebrate on 14 September.




School Meals Booking System

Please note that Parentpay are aware of technical issues affecting some school lunch orders. They are currently investigating the problem. In the meantime arrangements have been made with catering staff to ensure that sufficient meals are available. However, if there has been an issue with your booking it may not be possible for your child to have their original option for their lunch. Please note a vegetarian option is always available. We hope this information is reassuring that Parentpay can resolve the issue quickly.


School Assembly 31st August 2022


At assembly today we spoke about being responsible and what we are responsible for.  The children agreed the following:


  • We are responsible at home for tidying up by putting away what we have used and if we are asked to do something we do it straight away.


  • We are responsible in school by listening to teachers and each other, working hard and being kind to others.  We think it is important to work quietly we are asked to do so.


  • We are responsible for looking after our belongings.


  • We are responsible for our behaviour.  If we feel annoyed about something we know we should count to 10 and to practise breathing in slowly and back out to feel calm.


  • We know we are responsible for organising our school bags and planning ahead by getting them ready ourselves the night before.


You may wish to talk about these with your child at home. Next week we will be talking about good listening and you may wish to talk to them about this in advance.


At assembly the children  also met their new Eco Committee members for this school session.


We hope that this information is helpful.

P.E. Update

During the Covid19 pandemic the school was not allowed to store P.E. kits from home. This guidance has now changed and your child can leave their P.E. clothes and shoes in a clearly labelled bag in school.

P.E. kits will be sent home every Friday and holiday for washing.

Football strips are not allowed.

*Please ensure all items are clearly labelled.

Thank you.

Monday 29 August – P.E./Rugby

P.E./Rugby Input for Primary 5/6 + Primary 6/7

As part of their P.E. curriculum all  P5/6 and P6/7 pupils will have a 3 week block of rugby skills development on Mondays led by Cumnock Rugby Club and Vibrant Communities. As the training will be outdoors (unless very poor weather) pupils should wear trainers/joggers/leggings/shorts, t-shirt and have a warm sweatshirt/fleece. A waterproof jacket should also be brought.

P6/7 pupils will have rugby on:

  • Monday 29th August
  • Monday 5th September
  • Monday 12th September

P5/6 pupils will have rugby on:

  • Monday 26th September
  • Monday 3rd October
  • Monday 10th October

P4 pupils will have a block of rugby lessons later in the session.

Information for Parents

Please note that there has been an amendment to the information for parents and carers on the Annual Data Check form. This is the only change to the form and you should sign and return the form originally given out, noting any changes to your child’s information in writing. The update to the form was released after the school issued the  Annual Data Checks.

The new form information now is as follows:

This form details information the School/Early Years Centre hold for your child. All information on this form is strictly controlled by law., and CANNOT be passed on to outside agencies – EXCEPT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE DATA PROTECTION ACT 1998.

Please check that all information recorded on this form is correct. All contacts for your child are detailed on the form. It is important that the contact address, e mail and telephone numbers are correct. If you require to change address details for yourself or another contact please ensure you update the address for all contacts living in that household.

Missing information is indicated by a line. Please supply answers in these places. If there is a second parent or guardian and details have been missed out then please enter them in the space provided. You may put answers on the back of the form if you need more room.


Assembly 24th August 2022

Assembly 24th August 2022


At assembly this week we all introduced ourselves to each other.  Our P1s were amazing.  P2, 3,4,5,6 and 7 children welcomed the P1s to Ochiltree Primary School.

Logan, Mason, Emily, Isla and Ewan D spoke about Eco schools and forming our new Eco Committee.  We celebrated birthdays and showed the P1s some peer massage moves.  It was very relaxing.


We celebrated recent birthdays and birthdays over the summer holidays.


Next week we will be talking about what we are responsible for.


The P6/7 made some excellent suggestions, shown below.


We are we responsible for:

being kind to each other,

being healthy

looking after our buddies in P1

being helpful

helping out at home

doing what we are asked to do when we are asked

looking after our pets


What do you think?  Can you please ask you child what they think and discuss it with them at home so that they can join in the Assembly  discussion next week.

Thank you.



PE Days


Vibrant Communities and staff members from different sports  clubs will be working with different classes over the school year which may affect your child’s PE days. Please check the app regularly for any updates.  In dry weather PE may be held outside and trainers can be worn.  Children also participate in the Daily Mile initiative and outdoor learning activities so all children should have a warm, waterproof jacket and have suitable footwear each day.


At the moment, classes will have PE on the following days:


P1/2    Wednesdays and Fridays

P2/3   Tuesdays and Thursdays

P4       Tuesdays and Fridays

P5/6  Wednesday and Friday

P6/7  Tuesdays and Thursdays


Please note that no jewellery should be worn for PE activities, in accordance with East Ayrshire guidance.





Annual Data Checks

Pupils have been issued with their Annual Data Checks today. Please check details, make any amendments if required, sign both sides (even if there are no changes)and return to the school by Monday 22nd August 2022.

If your child requires any medication during school an administration of medication form must be completed. Please contact the school office if you require a form and we will send it home with your child, or alternatively this can be collected from the school office.

Thank you.

PE Kit

Please note that all children should bring in their PE Kit each day. PE kits are not allowed to be stored in school.  Class PE days will be issued next week. Please note days may need to be changed due to some organisations visiting but you will be notified of these dates.

School Day

School start 8.50am
Interval 10.30 – 10.50am
Lunch 12.30 – 1.15pm
School close 2.55pm

P4-7 pupils will exit the school from the playground gate.
P1-3 pupils will exit the school from the main school entrance with an adult to adult handover. P1-3 parents should wait just outside the main school entrance.

Booking School Meals

A reminder that school meals should be booked today for your child to receive a meal tomorrow. Please note that due to planned changes to Parentpay users will be unable to log into Parentpay after 10pm tonight. The system will be unavailable for around 4 hours from 10pm tonight. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

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