Our P1/2 class have been busy helping to make the garden look pretty with lovely new windchimes created using eco friendly and sustainable materials.
Thank you to MaidSafe for helping our pupils create such beautiful decorations for the garden.
Please see the sway to see the pupils’ lovely creations.
P1/2 Garden Wind Chimes |
Our P1/2 class have been busy helping to make the garden look pretty with lovely new wind chimes created using eco friendly and sustainable materials. |
Pupils from Primary 1/2 and Primary 2/3 exhibited all of the wonderful work they created at home and in the school for our dinosaur topic. The whole school visited our exhibition.
We all enjoyed celebrating World Book Day 2023 together in the assembly hall! We dressed up and found a cosy spot to share some of our favourite stories all together with different classes. Lots of fun had by all!
Primary 1/2 have been learning to tell the time.

Thursday 8th December
Primary 4 took the opportunity to teach Primary 1/2 all about James and the Giant Peach. They chose their favourite activities from their recent topic, and in groups, delivered these as ‘mini lessons’ for the younger pupils.
We learned how to mix the perfect peach colour, create a rainbow, demonstrate how rain is made and took part in the ‘Stop that peach!’ challenge.
We ended the day watching the movie. A great time was had by all! Click on the SWAY below to see more.
Mrs Meek & Miss Mills
Primary 1/2 celebrating Children In Need

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