Our P1/2 class have been busy helping to make the garden look pretty with lovely new windchimes created using eco friendly and sustainable materials.
Thank you to MaidSafe for helping our pupils create such beautiful decorations for the garden.
Please see the sway to see the pupils’ lovely creations.
P1/2 Garden Wind Chimes |
Our P1/2 class have been busy helping to make the garden look pretty with lovely new wind chimes created using eco friendly and sustainable materials. |

Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel is taking place 11th – 22nd March 2024
Ochiltree Primary School will be joining in with the 15th year celebration of the UK’s biggest inter-school walking, wheeling, scooting and cycling to school competition.
What is Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel?
Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel inspires pupils to make active journeys to school, improve air quality in their neighbourhood and discover how these changes benefit their world.
On each day of the challenge, schools compete to see who can get the highest percentage of their pupils walking, using a wheelchair, scooting or cycling to school.
The school’s best five days will determine our final position.
Join us by walking or rolling to school and let’s see how many active journeys our pupils can make?
Eco News Rag Bag Collection 18th September
Recycle your textiles and clothing while raising money for school funds and helping us with our Eco through taking part in our Rag Bag collection.
Please send any of the following into school on or before 18th September –
- Wearable Clothing
- Paired Shoes
- Handbags
- Belts
Thank you for your help.
The Eco Committee
Please click on the attached SWAY.
Sway (office.com)
Litter Bugs! |
On Friday 21st April all children took part in a Ochiltree Community Litter-Pick. A TEAM effort resulted in Ochiltree village looking “spick and span”. |
All the children from Ochiltree Primary School did their part for World Earth Day by taking part in a whole community Litter Pick. They were joined by members of CAP and Ochiltree Hub.
A HUGH thanks to the volunteers from the community for helping our young people to take part in this community venture.
Also, thank you to Ochiltree Hub for providing children and volunteers with drinks and yummy shortbread. The children were delighted to make Ochiltree litter free!
School Litter/Community Pick – Friday 21st April
Our children will be joining forces with the Hub and CAP to carry out a village litter pick on Friday 21st April. We will be leaving from the school on Friday 21st April at 11:15 a.m. and will return for lunch.
Please feel free to join in on the day to support us.
All children and volunteers are invited to the Hub at 1:30p.m. for refreshments.
Please send a change of clothes and footwear to school to allow children to take part in the litter pick.

See the above poster for Dean Park, Easter Trail. By taking part you will also add to our Mission to the Moon, S-Miles.
Have fun.
Community Litter Pick – 21st April – Volunteers Wanted
Ochiltree Primary, Ochiltree Hub and CAP are joining forces to carry out a litter pick on Friday 21st April and we need volunteers to support our children.
If you can spare a couple of hours starting at 11 a.m. on Friday 21st please phone the school office and leave your details.
To celebrate our achievements complimentary tea, coffee and juice will be served to all volunteers and Ochiltree Hub from 1:15 p.m. onwards.
Help us change the world this weekend!
Can an Hour change the world?
Just 60 minutes? Yes, just one hour. It may not seem like much, but the magic happens when you, and those like you in Asia and Africa, North and South America, Oceania and Europe – supporters in over 190 countries and territories – all give an hour, creating the Biggest Hour for Earth.
By doing so, this Hour can shine an unmissable global spotlight on nature loss and climate change, and the need to work together to secure a brighter future for people and the planet.
Give an Hour for Earth by spending 60 minutes doing something – anything – positive for our planet.
To find out more/sign up visit: https://www.earthhour.org
P1/2 and P6/7 enjoyed visits from Philip Munro, Golden Eagle Project Scotland. They worked together to find about Golden Eagle features and habitats. They then produced detailed Golden Eagle and other birds of prey art work.
Click on the links below to see our photos.
P1.2 Golden Eagles
P6.7 Golden Eagle
Please have a look at some of our photos from our Learning for Sustainability Day.
Biosphere Day – Photos
A huge thanks to Education Officers Faith, Malcolm and Ryan from Galloway and Southern Ayrshire Biosphere for organising and running our Learning for Sustainability Day.

Our Eco-committee is delighted to have been awarded a 7th Green Flag! Well done to everyone in school for all their hard work. Also a huge thanks to everyone in the community who has supported us in our journey.
An East Ayrshire Council Site