All posts by Mrs MCDICKEN

Primary 4 – Update

This week primary 4 have been investigating weather and learning about how rain is formed. We made cloud jars and studied how the water droplets made the clouds too heavy which produced raindrops.

We have also been learning about Remembrance day; we made Playdoh poppies at our funky fingers station and in art created Pointillism poppies.

In Numeracy we have been learning about doubles and near doubles.

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Ochiltree Parent Council are holding a Chocolate Tombola at the Indoor Car Boot Sale on Sunday 20th November.
We are looking for donations of chocolate to make this possible. This can be any sort of chocolate from a bar of chocolate to a box of chocolates.
Please hand in any donations to school by Wednesday 16th November. A drop off box is available at the Main Entrance.

Please ensure that there are NO NUT products donated.

Thank you.


Next week is Book Week Scotland which is a national celebration of books with the Scottish Book Trust.  During this week, we are encouraging all children to read at home – it does not matter whether it is a comic, newspaper or reading along with an audio book. Children may bring in a book they have particularly enjoyed to talk about at Assembly on Wednesday morning if they wish to do so.

Children in Primaries 2 and 3 will be able to enjoy the books and maths activities in their Read, Write Count bags.

There are free online books which link in with the ORT Reading Stages and can be accessed at home by parents and carers to share with their child. Parents and carers will need to register online.

The Free eBook library | Oxford Owl from Oxford University Press can be found at


Bookzilla is a free online reading library for children. It is currently more suited for children in upper Primary and early Secondary stages. Children will be able to select books based on genre, recommendations and ratings, reading challenges and dares to help them discover new books, authors and genres.

Parents can download Bookzilla on the App store or Google Play. A QR code can also be scanned from the Bookzilla bookmark which is attached.

You can also follow the link to for more information.

CALL Scotland has a number of online resources for parents and carers to help their child if they are finding literacy difficult or have dyslexia. Some of the apps are free but others may have a cost.

Please see the attached chart for support on android devices. Go to

android-apps-for-learners-with-dyslexia.pdf (

Ipad apps are also available. Please go to ipad-apps-for-learners-with-dyslexia.pdf (

Vibrant Communities

I have a new community club starting next week for P1-3 Girls football mini kickers. This will run at Catrine Games Hall. 

Active Schools are running a girls football mini kickers community club for P1-3 age stage, further details on the poster. Book vis QR code or link:

Barry Holmes

Vibrant Communities

Please click at the PDF for full details:

Girls Mini Kickers P1-3


Enterprise – update

A HUGE thank you to everyone who ordered key-rings and friendship bracelets. This was a very successful enterprise and all children and staff thoroughly enjoyed this project.

If anyone didn’t receive their ordered items or have an issue, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.

Again, thank you for your continued support!



The sight of litter gives us goosebumps all year round, but Halloween night can have a particularly bloodcurdling impact on our environment!

Whether it’s discarded treat wrappers or litter left behind by tricksters, during the days around – and just after – Halloween, local neighbourhoods need our support more than ever.

So this autumn, we’re calling on our community of #LitterHeroes to get outside in their scariest outfit and pick up litter from 24 October to 1 November.

You can now make your #HallowClean pledge here. Don’t forget to share your pictures of your clean-ups, tagging @KeepBritainTidy and using the #HallowClean hashtag.

We hope you join the above campaign. Please send any pictures into school showing how you have supported it.

Thank you.

Mrs Gregor & The Eco Committee


World of Work

The 5/6 and P6/7 classes enjoyed their first talk about the World of Work today. Former Ochiltree pupil Josh Perry spoke to pupils about being a Corporal in 137 Squadron Air Cadets. He gained many experiences and developed the skills including his confidence. This in turn has helped him secure a job. We wish Josh every success in hi8s new appointment.

Senior pupils enjoyed an information talk from Mrs Katy Blair about working as a Forester with the Forestry Commission. She discussed different roles and career options available. Pupils enjoyed looking at the tools required for work as a Forester and working out the age of a tree. Many thanks to Mrs Blair for the informative talk.

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