All posts by Mrs MCDICKEN

Refreshment order

Our nativity will take place on Friday 16 December at 9.30 a.m. within Ochiltree Parish Church. Afterwards, coffee/tea and shortbread will be provided at Ochiltree Hub at a cost of £2.00 per person (payable on the day at the Hub). Please complete the form below by Wednesday 7 December to enable the Hub to prepare for the refreshments.

Thank you.


Eco Committe & Clean Green Award

Last week was National Recycling Week and we have decided to celebrate by reintroducing the recycling of crisp bags in the school. If you would like to recycle your crisp bags from home, please send them in with your child and they can put them in the recycling bin.

This session we have decided also to collect metal bottle tops and ring pulls from cans, e.g., any bottle top that requires to be open with a bottle opener. Please also send these into school for recycling. These will then be sent onto Isla Dog Rescue.

Thank you for your continued support.

Message from the Parent Council

The Parent Council would like to thank everyone that came along to support our Indoor Car Boot Sale yesterday. It was a great fundraiser, especially the Chocolate Tombola. Thanks again to everyone that donated towards it.

We would like to give a huge thank you to J. McCaig of Shire Energy Services for donating the Tuck Shop products.

All fundraisers are to help enhance the children’s learning experience at school and provide them with new opportunities.

Thank you to all the parent helpers that helped make this event possible.

Ochiltree Primary Parent Council

Ochiltree Parent Council – Name the Elf Competition

On behalf of the Parent Council:

The Parent Council’s “Name the Elf ” competition will be in school this week to give more children the opportunity to win an Elf.  Should you wish your child to take part, the cost is £1.00 per guess. Guesses will be allocated on a first come/ first served basis. The competition will close when all the possible names have been selected and no later than Friday 25th November.

Thank you for your support.