Are you keen to be a volunteer in football, netball, basketball, racket sports or any sport / physical activity in school? A great chance to get involved and help make a difference in your child’s school. If you are interested and would like further information please contact the Active Schools coordinator Barry on
The Maidsafe Foundation are offering STEM workshops for children during the October school holidays. If you are interested, please see the attached poster for booking information.
Please note that ParentPay is now open to enable you to book your child’s school lunch. Please ensure lunches are booked by 8.00 p.m. the day before. If you have any issue booking your child’s lunch, please contact the school office.
After a very successful meeting with Jenna Cairns from the Galloway and Southern Ayrshire Biosphere and Malcolm Haddow SWSEIC support officer (South West Environmental Information Centre) we have a plan to take the garden further.
Increase the biodiversity in the garden by:
Introducing more native flowers, planting bulbs, flowers, and scattering seeds (Emily Hay from CEI will be providing some of these and working with the school.
Cap group have given a donation of £100 to raise the planting beds.
Using the resources, we have we will be encouraging a host of wildlife including hedgehogs by moving the branches we had from clearing previously from the garden into a more suitable area.
Looking at introducing water areas in the garden to encourage a whole host of insect, mammals, and bird life.
Malcom has said they would lend us a trail cam to record and watch to see what wildlife comes into the garden when the children are not there.
Compost area will be made, we will be asking the community if they have any unused compost bins they will donate, or we will make our own.
Wildflowers being planted along the fence between the garden and pitch and up along the fence with the field to encourage insects and birds.
Bird houses and bird feeders will be purchased for the garden also.
We will also be installing a weather station within the garden for the children to record the weather.
If you would like your child to attend the OSAG Children’s Christmas Parties, please follow Ochiltree & Skares Action Group Facebook page for links to the relevant tickets.
Mr MacMillan, Class Teacher, will run an after school “mini-kickers” football training club for interested children in Primary 3 and Primary 4 in November.
The club will run from 3 – 4 p.m. in the school on the following Tuesdays:
7, 14, 21 and 28 November.
If you would like your child to attend, please contact the school to register your child’s interest. Places are limited so please register by Friday 13 October.
Please note that consent forms will need to be completed before your child can take part. These will be sent home after that October holiday.
As a reward for attaining EAC Clean Green Silver Award Rangers from Dean Country Park will be working with Primary 1/2 and last year’s Eco-Committee children this Friday afternoon. They will be building dens and camp fires. Children will be provided with hot chocolate and toasted marshmallows. Please advise of any food allergies your child has.
Children should wear suitable outdoor, waterproof clothing and shoes for their activities.
Vibrant Communities will run an After School Sports Club for children in Primaries 1-3 from 3.00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m. within the school on the following Thursdays:
26 October
2 November
9 November
16 November
23 November
30 November
Should you wish your child to attend, please contact the school for further information and consent forms will be issued.