P7 Leavers Trip – Craig Tara

Our wonderful P7s all enjoyed a day out to Craig Tara with Mrs Shannon before leaving Ochiltree Primary School for the Robert Burns Academy following the summer holidays.

A great day was had by all.

Please see the Sway for a selection of photos from the day.

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Mr Renton retires today

Our Facilities Management Assistant  and School Crossing Patroller, Mr Renton, has retired today after 8 years at Ochiltree Primary.

Mr Renton started his working life as a miner and then spent 25 years driving lorries. He joined East Ayrshire Council working as a Janitor in different schools before coming to Ochiltree.

Famous for his tuneful singing around the school and his love of football,  Mr Renton is looking forward to doing things in his garden  at home and  “not having to get up early on dark mornings.”

The children presented him with their memory books.

P1 present their book of memories to Mr Renton. Lots of them starred him with his yellow coat and Lollipop stick.
P4 and P5 also gave a handmade book of memories









Callum and Harris presented Mr Renton with lots of good memories









The Parent Council Chair, Mrs Musson and other parents also presented Mr Renton with gifts, including a hamper with his favourite snacks .

Parents presented Mr Renton with a number of gifts


We wish Mr Renton a long, healthy and happy Retirement!








Kinship Carers Event

East Ayrshire kinship carer event: KINshop – a swap-shop coffee morning for kinship families! 

Tuesday 2 July, 10.30am – 1.30pm
WG13, Kilmarnock, KA1 1DH

KINshop is open to all kinship carers living in East Ayrshire, hosted by the East Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership (EAHSCP) kinship team.

You are warmly invited to come and meet one another over coffee, cake and juice for the younger ones!  Drop in and shop sustainably as we promote pre loved, excellent quality clothes and goods for you and the children you look after.  If you wish to bring items for other kinship families that are ‘used in very good condition’ or ‘new with / without tags’, please feel free, however there is no request to do so.  Please come and enjoy, fill a bag to take away!

Kinship care is a care arrangement provided by a child’s extended family or by a close friend who has a pre-existing relationship with the child. Kinship care can be a formal or informal arrangement and it can be time limited or long term.


Mrs Shannon is retiring!

After 31 years at Ochiltree Primary, Mrs Shannon ( B.E.M), our Senior Clerical Assistant,  is retiring.

The Legend is retiring!

Mrs Shannon first came to the school as a Classroom Assistant before moving on to work in the office and becoming a Senior Clerical Assistant.

In addition to her day job, Mrs Shannon also helped in a sporting capacity, running our after school Swimming Club and teaching hundreds of children to swim. She also ran and coached  the school netball and basketball teams.

An avid football fan, she also coached, managed and refereed for our school football teams. She was particularly  thrilled when the team won the Bill Shankly trophy this year.

Mrs Shannon was delighted to be awarded a British Empire Medal two years ago for her work with the children.

The children  created books with their memories of Mrs Shannon  and presented these to her on Thursday afternoon. She was also presented with a gift from staff as well as flowers and champagne at the Summer Celebration on Wednesday .

Lilianna presented the P4 and 5 Memories book


P1 to P3 also gave a Memory book


P7 footballers, Ewan and Ruari, presented Mrs Shannon with the P5-7 Memories book









Mrs Musson , Parent Council Chair,  presented Mrs Shannon with flowers on behalf of parents. Mrs Shannon was also wearing her Leavers’ Hoodie with pride.

Parent Council presented flowers to Mrs Shannon

Mrs Shannon has a series of events planned to celebrate her retirement  and is looking forward to spending time with her grandchildren.

We are sure that she will not spend long sitting with her flippers up and will be quickly back in the pool or soon be spotted at the side of a football  pitch 😀

We would like to wish Mrs Shannon a long, healthy and happy Retirement!



Appointment of Head Teacher for Ochiltree Primary School

Please see the original letter attached announcing the appointment from Linda McAulay-Griffiths, Chief Education Officer –

Parents-Carers – Ochiltree PS

The following if copied from that letter:

Dear Parent/Carer,

I wish to provide an update to you on the leadership of Ochiltree Primary School. I am very grateful to Mrs Pamela Lockie who has led the school since Mrs Black’s departure earlier this year, and I am sure you will join me in thanking her for all of her hard work.

I can now advise that, following discussions with the Chair of the Parent Council, Mrs Denise MacColl has been appointed as the Head Teacher of Ochiltree Primary School. Mrs MacColl is an experienced Head Teacher and will be ably supported by Mrs Lockie as Depute Head Teacher.

I hope that you and your families enjoy the rest of the term and have a very restful and enjoyable summer break.

Yours sincerely,


Chief Education Officer and Head of Education

Beach Party – End of Year Disco – 26/06/24

Wednesday 26th June 2024

7:00pm – 8:30pm

Ochiltree Community Hub

Tickets: £2 per child, £5 per family (family = 3 or more children). Active on ParentPay now.

Transfer Tattoos: There will be transfer tattoos available for children to purchase on the evening. If parents / carers do not want their child / children to have these applied, please notify the school in writing, either a note in school bags or an email to eaOchiltree.PS@eastayrshire.org.uk

Tuck Shop: There will be a tuck shop with crips, sweets, drinks and beach themed merchandise available. A price list will be published soon.

Mobile Phones: No Phones are allowed on the night. If a child must bring one, they will be held in a safe place for the duration of the disco and collected at the end of the evening. Staff and adult volunteers will have the authority to enforce this.

Sign In / Collection: parents are asked to sign their child / children into the Hub via the back door at the carpark side.

So, look out those Bermuda shorts, grass skirts and Hawaiian leis, sun hats!!

Looking forward to seeing the children ready to party on the night.

Limbo, Limbo!!

Drowning Prevention Week – 15th – 22nd June

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Health & Safety

Water safety Loch Doon 2024

Loch Doon water safety training 2024

Drowning prevention week

15 to 22 June 2024

The Royal Life Saving Society (RLSS) annual Drowning Prevention Week Campaign takes place between 15-22 June 2024.

The campaign aims to reduce the number of drowning and non-fatal drowning incidents that occur in the UK every year, by showing people how to be safe and have fun near water.

Everyone involved in a water-related activity has some responsibility for ensuring their own safety, this includes participants complying with best practice from sports governing bodies, and ensuring they are not impaired by alcohol or drugs.

The presence of alcohol or drugs is a contributory factor in at least 1 in 5 of all adult drowning deaths. Combining alcohol and water activities can be fatal. Alcohol distorts your perception of risk and can lead to greater risk taking behaviour, impaired judgement, lack of coordination and impaired reaction time.

Similarly, the effects of cold water shock is one of the main causes of drowning. Cold water shock affects your ability to swim and self-rescue due to water temperatures in the UK remaining cold, even during the summer months. Cold water shock signs start immediately after immersion into cold water such as gasping and hyperventilation, thereafter the body quickly cools down and the blood flow is directed to the body core. This causes a decrease in muscle strength and reduces control over body movements. The significant heat loss then causes the body temperature to drop, ultimately leading to hypothermia, which is fatal unless treated effectively.

Open water sites change constantly and can be dangerous; in order to stay safe around water these simple steps should be followed:

• never attempt to enter or swim in former quarries which have lakes or water-filled voids
• do not jump or dive into open water. Quick entry into cold water can cause your body to go into shock, significantly increasing the risk of drowning
• do not enter fast flowing water
• be aware of strong currents and don’t go near locks, weirs, sluices, bridges and pipes
• be aware of underwater hazards such as vegetation and ledges
• avoid drifting in the currents
• get out of the water as soon as you start to feel cold
• never enter the water after consuming alcohol
• if someone is in difficulty in the water shout reassurance to them and immediately call the emergency services on 999.

Kilmarnock Cricket Club – Summer Camps

Please see the attached poster – KCC Summer Camps

Exciting cricket camps for Primary 5 – Secondary 2 ages. Batting, bowling and fielding drills. Games and tournaments.

WHERE: Kilmarnock Cricket Club, Scott Ellis Playing Fields, New Mill Rd, Kilmarnock KA1 3JF.


Camp 1 – Tuesday – Wednesday 16th -17th July 10am-3pm

Camp 2 – Tuesday – Wednesday 23th – 24th July 10am-3pm

Camp 3 – Tuesday – Wednesday 30th – 31st July 10am- 3pm

Camp 4 – Tuesday – Wednesday 6th – 7th August 10am-3pm

KKC are also looking to run a FREE one day camp for girls only. Date to be advised.

To have fun, learn new skills, to meet new people and play a fun sport!

Led by Dehan Fourie and Tiago Oelofse with support from KCC coaches.

Cost: £40 non members per person for each two day camp. £25 for club members per person for each two day camp. One day attendance welcome (£20 non-member / £13 day member). Sibling discounts available, also discount for booking more than one camp. £10 in each case. Bookings will be confirmed via email once form is received and form provides details for payment. A WhatsApp group will be set up for communication purposes, including weather updates (hopefully not needed!). Soft drinks will be provided, participants should bring their own packed lunch.

Any questions contact Tiago Oelofse on 07386 718107 or Mark Colman on 07803 886733 Or to register click or cut and paste the link below:


Wet and Wild Assault Course Event

Check out the photographs from our Wet and Wild Assault Course event held on Friday 14th June on the Sway below.

The Sway will be updated with P1/2 and P3/4 photographs shortly.

What a fun afternoon had by all; slipping and sliding, jumping and crawling!! The pupils, and staff, had a fabulously fun time. The weather certainly didn’t dampen the spirits of our very soggy participants. A wee bit of rain actually helped, and our volunteers and staff had great fun manning the hoses and water pistols to soak everyone even further!!

A massive thank you to the Parent Council for all their hard work organising, setting up and running the event on the day.

Thanks also go to Mr and Mrs Miller for the use of their hose, Katie Irwin for supplying the hay bales, Scott for the use of his cargo nets, and also to EAC for supplying the water bowser.

A lot of pupils have asked if this can be a yearly event, so a successful event indeed!

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East Ayrshire Summer Schools

This Year East Ayrshire Council will be running 3 different summer schools. Please see the attached letter, link at bottom, for full details.

You can sign up to only one of these as they will be taking place at the same time:

  • ·         Dance Summer School (P4-P7)
  • ·         Parkour Summer School (P6-7)
  • ·         Creative Music Making Sessions (P4-7)

Each day will begin at 10.00 a.m. and finish at 3.00 p.m. On the Friday afternoon there will be a joint performance at 1.30 p.m. in the school to showcase to family and friends what has been achieved during the week.

The course will be based in Mauchline Primary and participants should bring a packed lunch each day. No previous experience or specialist clothing is necessary; enthusiasm and comfortable clothing are adequate.

There are limited places available on each course with the participants divided into groups according to age, experience and friendship-groups where possible.

This year’s course is being co-ordinated by Zara Smith, Cultural Co-ordinator, Dance and Movement and all sessions will be taken by highly qualified and experienced artists. To ensure maximum benefit for everyone, it is anticipated that the usual high standards of behaviour expected in our schools will be displayed. The Summer School is funded by Mauchline CARS and is entirely free however, we ask that you contact us if your child can no longer participate so we can pass the space over to another child.

Please note, each applicant must be able to make their own transport arrangements. If you would like to apply for a place on this course for your child, please complete the online forms


Confirmation emails will be sent out at the end of June.

Dance Summer School (P4-P7 & S1-S6)

Dance Summer School is an amazing week where participants will learn a variety of dance styles, working with experienced and inspirational dance instructors. The week will culminate in a show for family and friends. There are 30 places available for this course.

Parkour Summer School (P6-7)

There are only 15 places available on this summer school, working with the incredibly talented and experience Parkour artist, Scott Houston. It will be an awesome week. It is hoped by the end of the project the young people involved will have developed a greater sense of self and feel challenged, motivated, inspired and improve additional skills which can be adapted to other aspects of their lives.

We are confident that your child will be taught to a standard to enable them to perform their moves safely by a qualified and competent instructor. However, you should be clear when granting permission for your child to be involved in this project, that undertaking Parkour is challenging and even with careful planning and supervision, there is a risk of injury, albeit low.

Creative Music Making Sessions (P4-7)

Do you like to sing or write songs, play the guitar or keyboard or fancy being in a band?

Whether you play an instrument or a beginner, this is a fantastic opportunity to learn how to use your creativity to write songs. Our sessions are great fun as we provide you with the basic tools to write and perform your own songs in whatever style you prefer.

There is a song inside everyone and we can’t wait to hear yours.

There are only 15 places available for this course.


 Places will be offered on a first come, first served basis.

Summer Schools Mauchline Primary 2024

Beach Themed Lunch – Thursday 20th June

Please check out the Beach Themed Lunch on ParentPay.

This is a change to the normal week 2 Thursday menu. The options are as follows:

  • Pirates Pizza = cheese / vegan pizza
  • Sausage Submarine = hot dog
  • Treasure Chest Chips = chips
  • Sea Shore Salad = mixed salad
  • Barnacles Biscuits = cookies
  • Ice Lollies = fruit ices lollies

Please book in the usual way through ParentPay.

Thank you

School Lunches

Please note that there is a change to the menu for Monday 17th June.

The Super Tattie’s Tasty Tray will now come with an egg sandwich and not the chicken mayo baguette as noted on the ParentPay app.

Please also note that menus may be subject to change at short notice as we come to the end of the academic year.

Thank you

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