Sports Day Infomation

We are looking forward to the Sports Day  on 8th June ( weather permitting).  After a lovely few days, the weather forecast for Wednesday is not so good.

Should it rain on Tuesday night or on Wednesday morning the grass may be too wet to hold the event and it will be carried over to the 15th June. Please look out for an update on Wednesday morning by 9.30 a.m. on the app.

The children will also be doing a selection of novelty races and we would be grateful if the following pupils could bring the items into school in a clearly labelled bag if possible.

P5 –hat, gloves and a scarf

P6 – pyjamas

If your child does not have these items please do not worry – they will still be able to take part in the events.

Parents wishing to spectate should line up at the front gate of the school no earlier than 10 minutes before the event starts. Please see the previous message on the app for times.

We hope this information is helpful.

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