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P4 – Remote Learning 3rd November 2021

Please complete the PATHS check-in to let me know how you are feeling!

Practise your 5 times table.  There is a visual activity you can try if you click the link below.

5 Time Table

5 Time Table B&W version

Use the sheet below to practise jumping up in 5s.  To do this activity you can –  print out the sheet and  complete it,  say the numbers out loud, or write them on to a piece of paper.

Jumping up in 5s


As we are moving on to subtraction on Thursday, I thought you could have one more day working on your addition skills.
Click on the best worksheet for you.  You can either print it out or write the calculations on a piece of paper.


2 digit addition
3 digit addition



I know how much you like writing stories so I thought you could write a story today.  You can either select one of the story ideas below or come up with your own idea!

Click the link below for a large black and white version.
Writing Stimulus – B&W version


Later in the term we are going to be developing our drama skills.  Today’s task is to create some puppets and then create a little play using them.  You will need to think about what your characters will say to each other.  Will they have accents?
A really easy way to make puppets is by creating tubes and then sticking a picture of your character to them.  Watch the short video below to see some sheep puppets I have made.

I hope you all have a great day!

P4 – Halloween Co-ordinates

We played a game using co-ordinates. We tried to guess where the Halloween characters were hiding and then used the pen to reveal if they were there. We used crosses to mark co-ordinates we had tried.

We learned that co-ordinates  –

  •  are written inside brackets
  • have a comma
  • go along the bottom and then up


P4 – Gathering and Recording Information

Today we had a chance to share our favourite Halloween Characters. We went around the class and stated which one was our favourite. While we were sharing this information we were recording it using tally marks. We then counted up our tally marks and used the information to create a bar graph.


Peer Assessment

We assessed our partner’s work and told them things we liked about it and one thing that they could do better next time.  We are going to be gathering information tomorrow and presenting it in the form of a bar graph so that will give us the chance to work on our feedback.


P4 – Gymnastics

We began our block of work on gymnastics. Our focus today was travelling in different ways.

Peer Assessment

The children chose other children’s movements they thought were interesting and they got to demonstrate their form of travel.