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P4 – Literacy and Drama

We finished the Iron Man novel and wrote a summary of the last chapter. Mrs Petrie highlighted our great parts.

  • Blue – wow words or phrases
  • Pink – connective
  • Yellow – openers
  • Green – punctuation

She gave us feedback so that we know how to improve our work. We had time to work on our feedback.

We used this chapter to create a piece of drama. We created play scripts by making up a conversation that the Iron Man and the Dragon might have had. We then acted them out in front of the class.


P4 – Famous Authors

As part of Scottish Book Week we had a competition to name famous authors. We have decided to have another quiz next month and we are all going to look more closely at the names of the authors when we are reading books from the class library.

Here were our winning groups.

P4 – Animal Adaptations

We have been learning about the different ways that animals have adapted to life in extreme climate zones. We learned that adaptations can be physical or behavioural. We used our understanding to make posters.

We also used our copy and paste skills to make PowerPoint title pages.