All posts by Mrs Petrie

P4 – Angles

We started learning about right angles today and used set squares as right angle testers. We went outside to find and measure angles and took photos.

When we were back in the class we looked through our photos and used Markup to record if the angle was a right angle or not.

P4 – Book and Questions

We read Paddington at the Palace and then made up questions about the text. We remembered to add capital letters at the beginning and question marks at the end.

We created a PowerPoint with our questions and plan to send Paddington and the book around the infant classes. We hope they will enjoy reading Paddington at the Palace and can answer our questions.

Here are the amazing questions that we created.

P4 – Maps

We were looking at maps today using the Digimaps for schools website. We had a look at maps of New Cumnock today, in the 1950s and in the 1890s. We were able to see what used to be on the site of the pool. We were able to zoom in and out to get a closer look at the areas we were focusing on.

We really enjoyed looking at the maps and  some of the children took the username and password home to explore the maps further.

P4 – Date for Your Diary

As part of our unit of work on digital photography the children will be going on an exploration walk around the village on Wednesday 18th May to take some photographs of our local area.  It would be great if the children could come to school  with appropriate footwear and jacket/coat as we never know what the weather will be like.

Many thanks,

Karen Petrie

P4 – The Lagoons

We had such lovely weather for our trip to the Lagoons.

We found lots of snails.

We also found different rocks and coal.

We created land art, bug hotels, nests and shelters.

Super teamwork!

We had great fun exploring the area. We found broom, ant hills, a swan and much more.