All posts by Mrs Petrie

P4 – Animal Presentations

We had a lovely afternoon listening to different animal presentations. I think we all learned lots of interesting facts!

Well done to everyone for all of the hard work you put into preparing for today’s talks, they were amazing! I’m so proud of you all – Mrs Petrie

P4 – Celery Experiment

This morning we came into class to find these questions. We discussed our answers.

We have been learning about what plants need to make their own food – photosynthesis.  Today we drew a labelled diagram of a science experiment and wrote a hypothesis. Next week we will look at our experiment and see if we were correct.

P4 – Seed Experiment

We designed experiments to prove what seeds need to grow. We designed an experiment where the cress seeds would germinate and grow and one where they wouldn’t grow. There were some great ideas and diagrams.

We had great fun carrying out our experiments. Next week we will monitor our experiment and record the results.

P4 – Where are the seeds?

Before we planned and carried out our germination experiments we had to find the seeds. We worked with our partner\s to work out the maths calculations and find the clue to their hiding place! We used the different strategies that we have learned to solve the calculations.  Each answer had a corresponding letter. Once all of the calculations were done we read the sentence to find out where the seeds were.